我有一個Google表單,其中提問的問題是「是否已經創建了傳單」,如果答案是「否」,那麼我需要收集來自形式提交併在外部工作表中插入新行。 I have a drawing here.在表單提交中插入外部Google表單中的行
紙張#1(the sheet with the form is here) 紙張#2(sheet that will get a new conditional row submit is here)
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var timestamp = e.values[0];
var name = e.values[1];
var phone = e.values[2];
var classTitle = e.values[4];
var dueDate = e.values[7];
//when there is field 19 in this sheet answer is No (There has not yet been a flyer created) this is when the insert would happen and the Field 19 answer is not something that needs to be carried to the new row in the external sheet)
var formCreated = e.values[19];
var workType = "Flyer" ;
var contextNote = "This job was imported from a Org Learning's Class Reservation Form and followup will be required for clarification" ;
var destinationSpreadSheetKey = "0Ai_2YLvaQba0dHA2bTdtd0pnTTZQcnRldjJXcjFjZHc";
var destinationSheet = "Work_Orders";
//if the answer to variable formCreated is "Yes", then halt Else continue with script
我們接近Google論壇的解決方案。我會在這裏添加解決方案,爲任何可能有類似需求的人提供答案。 –