* One-line introduction followed by a full stop (for the title in some templates).
* @deprecated this should be prominent so I often put it at the top!
* @todo Critical TODO ... this function doesn't work yet!
* A fuller paragraph detailing stuff.
* A fuller paragraph detailing stuff.
* A fuller paragraph detailing stuff.
* @see is part of the detail
* @example is part of the detail
* @todo following on from the detail - what's not been done.
* @todo polishing not done, N2H's.
* @throws and other technical aspecs I'd put here - if any.
* @param Then params in a block - in the ACTUAL order of the params
* @param phpstorm always separates the last param from return
* @param with blank line so i've started going with that!
* @return is always the last tag - makes sense.
一行介紹是來自PHPDocumentor 1,它有一個滿意的要求,一個句號。在索引頁面和導航上,您只能看到這些。所以我仍然這樣做。
我傾向於按照您想閱讀的順序排列內容 - 很簡單。優先考慮show-stoppers(如棄用) - 不要浪費人們閱讀死亡函數的時間。如果有一個關鍵的TODO(即班級/方法沒有完成),我會把它放在最上面,可選的待辦事項(很好,第2階段...)可以晚點。