VB 2010 - 初學者在這裏, 我爲一個任務創建一個hang子手遊戲,而且我無法用短劃線替換字符串的文本。我不確定是否需要將字符串轉換爲charArray(),或者是否可以使用string.Replace函數。我知道我需要循環它不確定如何..VB 2010 - 用破折號代替字符串的所有字母
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Const TEST = "test.txt"
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim WordString As String = Nothing
Dim NewWordInteger As Integer
Dim RandomWord As New Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond) 'Load a new word at the time it was initiated
'Load words from test file into the array
Dim WordArray() As String = File.ReadAllLines(TEST) 'Reads words from list and declares each as a string
'Select Random word from the number of words in the dictionary.txt file
NewWordInteger = RandomWord.Next(0, 4)
'Display RandomWord in textbox as STRING..
WordString = WordArray(NewWordInteger) ' Assigns wordstring a word from the arrany & random by the NewWordInterger Substring..
WordDisplayTextBox.Text = WordString ' will display the word in the textbox
SolveLabel.Text = WordString ' will display the word in the Solve label
'Will shoe the array word and the word/string position in the TEST.file
ListBox1.Items.Add(WordString) ' will show the word
ListBox2.Items.Add(NewWordInteger) ' will show the string position in the TEST.file
'search string and replace letters with _ (Dashes)
Dim charArray() As Char = WordDisplayTextBox.Text.ToCharArray
For Each item As Char In WordDisplayTextBox.Text
WordDisplayTextBox.Text = WordString.Replace(item, "_")
End Sub
End Class
我內心很努力找出如何在vb.net中做到這一點。如果我沒有弄錯,在舊的VB中,有一個特定的功能來做到這一點,我正在尋找它在Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings命名空間... :) – ajakblackgoat 2013-05-03 15:07:10
如果它在那裏它可能已被替換正則表達式。你也許可以做一些像Regex('a-z','A-Z',0-9)或者其他類似的東西(不太瞭解Regex),但對於初學者來說,這可能是一種矯枉過正的方式。 – AFischbein 2013-05-03 15:15:08
發現VB6函數做同樣的,更容易... ['字符串(長度,字符)'](http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Visual_Basic/VB6_Command_Reference#String) – ajakblackgoat 2013-05-03 16:32:18