2013-04-28 25 views
// Please note that the file is saved as rss.php and the xml code is included in it. 

// Include necessary files 
include_once '../inc/function.inc.php'; 
include_once '../inc/db.inc.php'; 

// Till here no problem 

// Open a database connection 
$db = new PDO(DB_INFO, DB_USER, DB_PASS); 

// When i connect to database I get error. 
// in Internet Explorer: This feed contains code error 
//in Mozila: Its pops up a rss.php and asks me to open it and save to a specific location 
/in Chrome: It displays all the code as it is in the Browser 

// Load all blog entries 
$e = retrieveEntries($db, 'blog'); 

// Remove the fulldisp flag 

// Perform basic data sanitization 
$e = sanitizeData($e); 

// Add a content type header to ensure proper execution 
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml'); 

// Output the XML declaration 
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; 


<rss version="2.0"> 
     <title>My Simple Blog</title> 
     <description>This blog is awesome.</description> 

     // Loop through the entries and generate RSS items 
     foreach($e as $e): 

     // Escape HTML to avoid errors 
     $entry = htmlentities($e['entry']); 

     // Build the full URL to the entry 
     $url = 'http://localhost/simple_blog/blog/' . $e['url']; 

     <title><?php echo $e['title']; ?></title> 
     <description><?php echo $entry; ?></description> 
     <link><?php echo $url; ?></link> 
     <?php endforeach; ?>  


我已經在我面臨什麼問題的代碼註釋的形式解釋。如果我連接正確,請讓我知道。使用PHP PDO在XML中獲取數據的RSS,以顯示連接數據庫飼料



DB_INFO是什麼?問題的描述應該包含在問題的文本部分中,而不是作爲代碼的註釋。 – Havelock 2013-04-28 04:16:08


那些DB_INFO,DB_USER,DB_PASS)變量包含哪些內容? – 2013-04-28 04:16:37


你確定它喜歡'PDO('mysql:host = blabla; dbname = blabla',$ user,$ pass);'? – 2013-04-28 04:17:38




