public Transform target; // The position that that camera will be following.
public float smoothing = 5f; // The speed with which the camera will be following.
Vector3 offset; // The initial offset from the target.
void Start()
// Calculate the initial offset.
offset = transform.position - target.position;
void FixedUpdate()
// Create a postion the camera is aiming for based on the offset from the target.
Vector3 targetCamPos = target.position + offset;
// Smoothly interpolate between the camera's current position and it's target position.
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (transform.position, targetCamPos, smoothing * Time.deltaTime);
給了一個錯誤**的NullReferenceException:對象沒有設置爲一個對象 CompleteProject.CameraFollow.FixedUpdate(的實例)(在資產/ _CompletedAssets /腳本/相機/ CameraFollow.cs:27)** –
其一個給錯誤你試過了哪一個?你有把標籤添加到目標對象嗎?你的物體什麼時候產卵?如果它開始使它在清醒時產卵 –
第一個給出錯誤 –