我的目標是打開一個現有的PDF,添加或刪除一些頁面,同時在Windows.Forms C#應用程序中保留元數據(作者,主題,...)。修改現有的pdf(添加/刪除頁面),同時保留元數據
問題是不添加或刪除頁面,而是保持元數據在同一步驟。 那麼有人可以告訴我/ giva一個關於如何實現這個(更好)的例子,還是我在完全錯誤的軌道上?
public void RemovePagesInFile(string documentLocation, int pageIndexFrom, int pageCount)
// TB: open the pdf
using (PdfReader sourcePdfReader = new PdfReader(documentLocation))
using (MemoryStream concatenatedTargetStream = new MemoryStream((int)sourcePdfReader.FileLength))
// TB: use a concatenator to create a new pdf containing only the desired pages
PdfConcatenate concatenator = new PdfConcatenate(concatenatedTargetStream);
// TB: create a list with the page numbers to keep
List<int> pagesToKeep = new List<int>();
for (int i = 1; i <= pageIndexFrom; i++)
for (int i = pageIndexFrom + pageCount + 1; i <= sourcePdfReader.NumberOfPages; i++)
// TB: execute the page copy
// TB: problem(s) here:
// 1. when calling concatenator.Close() the memory stream gets disposed as expected.
// concatenator.Close();
// 2. even when calling concatenator.WriterFlush() the memory stream seems to be missing content (error when creating targetReader (see below)).
// concatenator.Writer.Flush();
// 3. when keeping concatenator open the same error as above occures (I assume not all bytes have been written to the memory stream)
// TB: preserve the meta data from the source document
// => ERROR here: "Rebuild trailer not found. Original Error: PDF startxref not found"
using (PdfReader targetReader = new PdfReader(concatenatedTargetStream))
using (MemoryStream targetStream = new MemoryStream((int)concatenatedTargetStream.Length))
using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(targetReader, targetStream))
stamper.MoreInfo = sourcePdfReader.Info;
// TB: same problem as above with stamper ?
// TB: close the reader to be able to access the source pdf
// TB: write the modified pdf to the disk
File.WriteAllBytes(documentLocation, targetStream.ToArray());
我沒有超過10個聲譽點,所以可以請任何人發佈以下答案:...編輯:也不工作 - 文本太長的評論* grrrr * –
簡單和簡單:解決方案在調用「concatenator.Close()」之前調用「concatenator.Writer.CloseStream = false」,並在PdfStamper中調用相同的調用: 。因此,如果有更多聲譽的人會將此作爲答案:謝謝! –