嗨即時通訊新的SO所以我希望我做一切正確.... :) 我開始了幾天前的iOS編程和不,我有一個問題,讓我瘋了!swift - 在viewController中調用類函數
import Foundation
import UIKit
public class FactBook {
var randomNumberForAll: Int!
let factsArray = [
"Ants stretch when they wake up in the morning.",
"Ostriches can run faster than horses.",
"Olympic gold medals are actually made mostly of silver.",
"You are born with 300 bones; by the time you are an adult you will have 206.",
"It takes about 8 minutes for light from the Sun to reach Earth.",
"Some bamboo plants can grow almost a meter in just one day.",
"The state of Florida is bigger than England.",
"Some penguins can leap 2-3 meters out of the water.",
"On average, it takes 66 days to form a new habit.",
"Mammoths still walked the earth when the Great Pyramid was being built.",
"You can finish the entire FunFacts iOS app course in the time it takes to set up the emulator for the Android course"
let imagesArray = [
UIImage(named: "ants.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "ostriches.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "olymp.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "bones.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "light.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "bamboo.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "florida.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "penguins.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "habit.jpg"),
UIImage(named: "mammoth.jpg")
func randomFact() ->String {
var arrayCount = UInt32(factsArray.count)
//Random Number from count
var unsignedRandomNumber = arc4random_uniform(arrayCount)
//Random Number as Int
var randomNumber = Int(unsignedRandomNumber)
self.randomNumberForAll = randomNumber
return factsArray[randomNumber]
func randomImage() -> UIImage {
var imageRandom = randomNumberForAll
return imagesArray[imageRandom]!
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
//Lable, Structs etc.----------------------------------NEU----------------------------
@IBOutlet weak var funFactLable: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var funFactButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
let colorWheel = ColorWheel()
var counter = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
//Loads first Label Text
funFactLable.text = "An interestig Fun Fact comes with one push!"
funFactButton.setTitle("For the first Fun Fact - Push!", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
@IBAction func showFunFact() {
var randomColor = colorWheel.randomColor()
var randomImage = FactBook.randomImage()
var randomFact = FactBook.randomFact()
//BackgroundColor change
view.backgroundColor = randomColor
//Button-TextColor change
funFactButton.tintColor = randomColor
//Button-Title = Counter + Text
funFactButton.setTitle("\(counter). Fun Fact", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
//fadeIn fadeOut FactLable
self.funFactLable.fadeOut(completion: {
(finished: Bool) -> Void in
self.funFactLable.text = randomFact
//fadeIn fadeOut ImageView
self.imageView.fadeOut(completion: {
(finished: Bool) -> Void in
self.imageView.image = randomImage
所以問題是,我不能調用函數(randomFact和randomImage)在的ViewController 。
但總是出現調用中參數#1的錯誤缺失參數。 當我將類事實記錄更改爲結構體時,我可以調用func's,但隨後self.randomNumberForAll不起作用。
什麼,我只是想是使用randomnumber從FUNC randomFact()在FUNC randomImage()....
謝謝你,如果u能幫助我:) !!!!