這是在創建和更新數據行時使用的。當我創建數據行時,它是確定的,但是當它將我重定向到return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
。 這些都是我的文件: 控制器動作:Yii2創建數據行工作,但更新不
public function actionUpdate($id)
$model = $this->findModel($id);
$settings = new Settings();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
$languages = Lang::find()->all();
foreach ($languages as $language) {
if ($language->default != 1) {
$names = 'names_' . $language->url;
$varNames = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->$names);
$model->$names = $varNames;
$review = 'review_' . $language->url;
$varReview = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->$review);
$model->$review = $varReview;
$metaDesc = 'meta_desc_' . $language->url;
$varMetaDesc = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->$metaDesc);
$model->$metaDesc = $varMetaDesc;
$url = 'url_' . $language->url;
$varUrl = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->$url);
$model->$url = $varUrl;
$cBirth = 'country_birth_' . $language->url;
$varcBirth = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->$cBirth);
$model->$cBirth = $varcBirth;
$model->names = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->names);
$model->review = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->review);
$model->meta_desc = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->meta_desc);
$model->url= Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->url);
$model->country_birth = Yii::$app->OutData->sanitize($model->country_birth);
//записване на изображенията + thumb
if (isset($_POST["Author"]["imageFiles"]) and ! empty($_POST["Author"]["imageFiles"])) {
$model->imageFiles = UploadedFile::getInstances($model, 'imageFiles');
if (isset($model->imageFiles) and count($model->imageFiles) > 0) {
foreach ($model->imageFiles as $key => $file) {
$parseProdTitle = MakeURL::parseImageName($model->names.'_'.$model->id);
$fileName = $parseProdTitle . '_' . $model->id . '.' . $file->extension;
$fileName = Yii::$app->translate->cyr_to_lat($fileName);
$model->filename = $fileName;
$pic = Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web') . '/authors/thumb-270/' . $fileName;
$pic2 = Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web') . '/authors/' . $fileName;
$file->saveAs(Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web') . '/authors/' . $fileName);
$image = file_get_contents(Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web') . '/authors/' . $fileName);
file_put_contents($pic, $image);
$settings->compress($pic, $pic, 90);
$settings->compress($pic2, $pic2, 90);
var_dump($model->getErrors());die;// it dumps here but it returns an empty array
var_dump(1);die;// it dumps here so validate is ok (I guess)
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
} else {
return $this->render('update', [
'model' => $model,
namespace backend\models;
use Yii;
use omgdef\multilingual\MultilingualBehavior;
use omgdef\multilingual\MultilingualQuery;
use kartik\helpers\Html;
* This is the model class for table "author".
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $active
* @property string $filename
* @property integer $sort
* @property data $birthday
* @property AuthorLang[] $authorLangs
class Author extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public $imageFiles;
private $languages = array();
public function __construct() {
foreach(Yii::$app->params['languages'] as $langArr){
$langParam = new Lang;
$langParam->id = $langArr['id'];
$langParam->url = $langArr['url'];
$langParam->local = $langArr['local'];
$langParam->name = $langArr['name'];
$langParam->default = $langArr['default'];
$langParam->active = $langArr['active'];
$this->languages[] = $langParam;
public static function find()
return new MultilingualQuery(get_called_class());
public function behaviors()
$languagesArray = [];
foreach($this->languages as $language){
$defLang = $language->url;
$languagesArray[$language->local] = $language->name;
return [
'ml' => [
'class' => MultilingualBehavior::className(),
'languages' => $languagesArray,
//'languageField' => 'language',
//'localizedPrefix' => '',
//'requireTranslations' => false',
//'dynamicLangClass' => true',
//'langClassName' => PostLang::className(), // or namespace/for/a/class/PostLang
'defaultLanguage' => $defLang,
'langForeignKey' => 'author_id',
'tableName' => "{{%authorLang}}",
'attributes' => [
* @inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return 'author';
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
$required = ['names', 'review', 'meta_desc', 'url', 'birthday', 'country_birth'];
return [
[['active', 'sort'], 'required'],
[$required, 'required'],
['names', 'string', 'max' => 255],
['country_birth', 'string', 'max' => 255],
['review', 'string'],
['meta_desc', 'string', 'max' => 170],
['url', 'string', 'max' => 60],
[['active', 'sort'], 'integer'],
[['filename'], 'string'],
protected function checkLanguage($megaArr = [])
foreach ($this->languages as $language)
if($language->default != 1)
foreach ($megaArr as $fields)
foreach ($fields as $field)
$field .= '_' . $language->url;
public function changeActiveForm() {
$active = "";
if ($this->active == 1) {
$active = 'checked="checked"';
return '<label class="switch switch-custom block mbn taCenter">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" id="check_' . $this->id . '" name="field_types" class="legend-switch" ' . $active . ' onchange="changeStatusActive(' . $this->id . ', \'author\');"></input>
<label data-off="' . Yii::t('app', 'Не') . '" data-on="' . Yii::t('app', 'Да') . '" for="check_' . $this->id . '"></label>
public function getKartikImagesList() {
$doctorImagesArr = array();
$doctorImages = Author::find()->where('id = :id', [':id' => $this->id])->orderBy(['id' => SORT_ASC])->one();
if(isset($doctorImages->filename) and $doctorImages->filename!="" and $doctorImages->filename!=Null) {
$fileName = Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web') . "/authors/" . $doctorImages->filename;
if (file_exists($fileName)) {
$fileNameUrl = Yii::$app->urlManagerFrontend->baseUrl . "/authors/thumb-270/" . $doctorImages->filename;
$doctorImagesArr[] = Html::img($fileNameUrl, ['class' => 'file-preview-image', 'style' => 'width: 350px;']) .
'<a href="javascript://" onclick="deleteAuthorImage(' . $this->id . ')"><span class="glyphicons glyphicons-bin"></span></a>';
return $doctorImagesArr;
public function resizeImg($img) {
$sz = getimagesize($img);
$ratio = $sz[0]/$sz[1]; // w/h
$w2 = Yii::$app->params['thumbswidth']; // thumb 1 width
$image = new SimpleImage();
$image->resize($w2, round($w2/$ratio));
* @inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'active' => Yii::t('app','app.Active'),
'filename' => Yii::t('app','app.Filename'),
'sort' => Yii::t('app','app.Sort'),
'country_birth' => Yii::t('app','app.Birth Country'),
'names' => Yii::t('app','app.Names'),
'meta_desc' => Yii::t('app','app.Meta Desc'),
'filename' => Yii::t('app','app.Image'),
'birthday' => Yii::t('app','app.Birthday'),
'imageFiles' => Yii::t('app','app.Image'),
'description' => Yii::t('app','app.Review'),
* @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getAuthorLangs()
return $this->hasMany(AuthorLang::className(), ['author_id' => 'id']);
嘗試使用您發佈的條件並將其放入'if'部分。所以它返回1.也嘗試了'$ model-> save(false)',但是再次沒有。我很困惑。如果硬編碼它會有多大的錯誤?像'Yii :: $ app-> db-> createCommand(query,[params]) - > execute()'。 –
這意味着更新中不涉及行..? 。爲什麼? 。你確定你以前沒有保存模型(沒有改變)? ..無論如何如果你沒有其他選擇,你甚至可以用createCommand來嘗試......沒有什麼問題......然而,奇怪的是,更新沒有完成。 – scaisEdge
找到了!非常感謝你這行'你確定你沒有保存模型(沒有改變)':D之前! '$ model-> update()'之前真的有另一個'$ model-> save()'。 –