中,然後在每個模塊中使用from config import CONSTANT1
def fake_function(x, y):
# Problem: function relies on the module-level environment for an input
# (Seems sloppy)
return (x + y + CONSTANT1)
def fake_function2(x, y, z=CONSTANT1):
# Problem: seems redundant and as if there was no point in declaring a constant
# Also you end up with way too many parameters this way
return (x + y + z)
class Fakeness(object):
def __init__(self):
self.z = CONSTANT1
def fake_sum(self, x, y):
return (x + y + self.z)
# Problem: I suspect this might be the correct implementation - but
# I hope not because my understanding of OOP is weak :) I also don't
# think this helps me with my many functions that have nothing to do
# with each other but happen to use the same constants?
我不明白你認爲第一個選項是錯誤的。 –
我真的只是檢查它*是否被認爲是正確的:)我對函數的理解受到'R'和閱讀函數式編程的影響,我對它是否有點混淆了適當地依賴於全局(或者在這種情況下,模塊級別)的環境或者如果函數需要自包含。我也有興趣開始單元測試我的工作(我不知道該怎麼做),我不清楚如果依靠一個常量是一個壞主意/最終會引入難以理解的錯誤 – HFBrowning
IME當你依賴_mutable_全局狀態時,單元測試只會變得複雜。常量在程序生命週期中不會改變,因此在函數內引用它們不會增加潛在代碼路徑的數量。在這方面,它們並不比直接使用文字值更糟糕。 – Kevin