正如我的建議,我通過在表中添加額外的列來解決這個問題。 對於每個單元格,都會添加帶有顏色(或其他)信息的單元格。 當datagrid打開時,它讀取添加的單元格,並根據額外單元格中的信息決定基本單元格的顏色。下面是我設計的一個測試程序的完整工作代碼: (運行時,用DataGridView的'fareGrid'和3個NumUpDown控件構建一個WinForm) (我仍然有問題,顏色不起作用在代碼中),但我將它作爲一個單獨的問題發佈)。 這是一個程序的一小部分,計算每使用時間(一天的一週,小時,季節)
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Windows.Forms;
//This is a test program to do the following:
//1. Build an empty data table of 26 rows by 6 columns.
//2. The Table is the DataSource to a DataGridView.
//3. The DataGrid Colomns 0-3 can be filled with decimals by one of 3 NumericUpDown controls.
//3. For each cell in cols 0-2 there is one in cols 3-5 that holds info which NumUpDn was used.
//4. Each NumUpDn has specific color. The corresponding cells have the same backcolor.
//5. When the program starts, it builds the table from the Settings, and displays the table in the datagrid.
//6. The cells in cols 0-2 are supposed to get the colors ad indicated in cols 3-5, but they do not.
namespace DataGridViewTest
public partial class Form1 : Form
DataTable fareTable = new DataTable();
int rowIndex;
int colIndex;
public Form1()
// Load the table (if exists)
if (Properties.Settings.Default.fareTable != null)
fareTable = Properties.Settings.Default.fareTable;
//Build the initial data table of 26R X 6C
//Columns 3-5 are used to hold the color information of cols 0-2
public void buildFareTable(string fareTableName)
fareTable.TableName = fareTableName;
fareTable.Columns.Add("Weekday", typeof(Decimal));
fareTable.Columns.Add("HalfDay", typeof(Decimal));
fareTable.Columns.Add("Weekend", typeof(Decimal));
//Adding 3 indexing columns that will hold the tables cell group
fareTable.Columns.Add("IWeekday", typeof(String));
fareTable.Columns.Add("IHalfDay", typeof(String));
fareTable.Columns.Add("Iweekend", typeof(String));
for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < 26; rowIndex++)
public void paintFareTableCells(DataTable fareTable)
fareDataGrid.DataSource = fareTable;
for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < 26; rowIndex++)
for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < 3; colIndex++)
switch (fareTable.Rows[rowIndex][colIndex + 3].ToString()) //Check the color index columns 3-5
case "low": fareDataGrid[colIndex, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Green;
case "med": fareDataGrid[colIndex, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
case "high": fareDataGrid[colIndex, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
// Diagnostics: Check cell's color. At this point, Colors are OK!
Color color = fareDataGrid[colIndex, rowIndex].Style.BackColor;
//Update the cells by 3 NumUpDn controls.
private void numericUpDownFareHigh_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void numericUpDownFareMed_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void numericUpDownFareLow_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void editFareTableCells(Object sender)
foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in fareDataGrid.SelectedCells)
if (cell.ColumnIndex < 3)
cell.Value = ((NumericUpDown)sender).Value;
cell.Style.BackColor = ((NumericUpDown)sender).BackColor;
fareDataGrid[cell.ColumnIndex + 3, cell.RowIndex].Value = ((NumericUpDown)sender).Tag; //Uses cols 3-5 to hold cost level info.
//Use settings to preserve the data
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
Properties.Settings.Default.fareTable = this.fareTable;
您的問題沒有明確變電工能源成本。這些行如何相互關聯?表中有用於標識組的表中的外鍵列嗎? –
我無法引用行,但只能引用單個單元格。每行或每列可以容納來自這三組中的任何一組的單元。 我沒有索引列,因爲這樣的列不能指向一個單元格(除非使用複雜的編號算法),但是您的評論使我想到爲每個表列添加索引列,而不是構建額外的索引表。 我無論如何,我仍然希望有人會帶着一個簡單的魔法的好主意。 – samtal
我假設表格是從數據庫中填充的。向我們展示表格和列的類型將是一個好的開始。您還應該向我們顯示加載它的代碼。 –