我希望用戶爲int temp1和int temp2分配一個值。然而,編譯器說我需要初始化兩個變量之一(temp2)。爲什麼我需要在用戶給它賦值之前初始化這個變量?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void inputDetails(int* n1, int* n2);
void outputDetails(int num1, int num2, int* pNum, int* n1, int* n2, int** ppNum);
int main()
int num1;
//num1 pointer
int* n1 = &num1;
int num2;
//num2 pointer
int* n2 = &num2;
//get pNum to point at num1
int* pNum;
pNum = new int;
*pNum = num1;
//pointer to pNum
int** ppNum = &pNum;
//call functions
inputDetails(n1, n2);
outputDetails(num1, num2, pNum, n1, n2, ppNum);
//change pNum to point at num2
delete pNum;
pNum = new int;
*pNum = num2;
//call function again
outputDetails(num1, num2, pNum, n1, n2, ppNum);
delete pNum;
return 0;
void inputDetails(int* n1, int* n2)
int temp1, temp2;
cout << "Input two numbers" << endl;
cin >> temp1, temp2;
*n1 = temp1;
*n2 = temp2;
void outputDetails(int num1, int num2, int* pNum, int* n1, int* n2, int** ppNum)
cout << "The value of num1 is: " << num1 << endl;
cout << "The address of num1 is: " << n1 << endl;
cout << "The value of num2 is: " << num2 << endl;
cout << "The address of num2 is: " << n2 << endl;
cout << "The value of pNum is: " << pNum << endl;
cout << "The dereferenced value of pNum is: " << *pNum << endl;
cout << "The address of pNum is: " << ppNum << endl;
聽你的編譯器。你的編譯器非常聰明:'* pNum = num1;'。在這一點上,'num1'是什麼初始化的?沒有。因此,編譯器告訴你。這可能沒有什麼壞處,但是,這項任務沒有任何意義,所以簡單地去除它。 –
'* pNum = num1;'表示將'num1'的現有值複製到您剛剛分配的'new int'中。 (這是未定義的行爲,因爲你沒有初始化'num1')。它並不意味着「獲得pNum指向num1」 –
new和delete通常只需要數組和結構體。對於單個整數和指針來說,聲明就足夠了;新的沒有相應的刪除將導致內存泄漏**小心**。 –