2016-01-21 48 views


// Initialize the actor and a probe for the actor 
val probe = TestProbe() 
val act = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "name") 

// send messages to the actor to change state 
// Validate that the state has changed 

// Send a message to terminate the actor 
act ! PoisonPill 

// wait for the actor to shutdown 

// Initialize a new probe and a new instance of the actor, with the assumption 
// that the actor has the same persistence id as the initial one. 
// That actor should now be in the same state as before. 

val probeTwo = TestProbe() 
val rehydrated = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "name") 

// Validate the state of the actor. 
// Todo: Put your validation checks here 

以下是關於test actors的一些有用信息。