2016-05-04 89 views

VB.net 我有一個datagridview設置與一列綁定到另一個數據庫作爲comboboxSystem.ArgumentException:DatagridViewComboBoxCell值無效



錯誤不斷,當我第一次開始,因爲在那是不是在combobox DB信息。我刪除了這些條目,錯誤似乎消失了。當我通過我的項目工作時,我仍然時常得到它。此外,出現錯誤,我關閉了盒子,DGV正確填充,一切正常。

我有一個「填充」按鈕,同時填充datagridviewcombobox。我試圖在datagrid adapterfill之後延遲comboboxadapterfill聲明,並且它似乎沒有效果。





Private Sub xP3PopulateBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles xP3PopulateBtn.Click 

     'Active Filters 
      Dim strFilterP3 As String = String.Empty 
      'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells Line 2 Only 
      If xP3IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And 
      xP3FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And 
      xP3SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then 
       strFilterP3 = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)") 
       strFilterP3 = strFilterP3 & String.Format(" And [LineID]= '3'") 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Filter = strFilterP3 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime desc" 
      End If 

      'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on first and second shift only Lines 1N and 1S Only 
      If xP3IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And 
      xP3FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And 
      xP3SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then 
       strFilterP3 = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null) And (Shift = 1 Or Shift = 2)") 
       strFilterP3 = strFilterP3 & String.Format(" And [LineID]= '3'") 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Filter = strFilterP3 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime desc" 
      End If 

      'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on first shift only Line 2 Only 
      If xP3IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And 
     xP3FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And 
     xP3SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then 
       strFilterP3 = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null) and Shift = 1") 
       strFilterP3 = strFilterP3 & String.Format(" and [LineID]= '3'") 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Filter = strFilterP3 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime desc" 
      End If 

      'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on second shift only Line 2 Only 
      If xP3IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And 
     xP3FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And 
     xP3SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then 
       strFilterP3 = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null) and Shift = 2") 
       strFilterP3 = strFilterP3 & String.Format(" and [LineID]= '3'") 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Filter = strFilterP3 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime desc" 
      End If 

      'CheckBox Filtering Code=Incomplete and Complete Cells on First Shift Only Line 2 Only 
      If xP3IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And 
     xP3FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And 
     xP3SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then 
       strFilterP3 = "Shift = 1" 
       strFilterP3 = strFilterP3 & String.Format(" and [LineID]= '3'") 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Filter = strFilterP3 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime desc" 

      End If 

      'CheckBox Filtering Code=Incomplete And Complete Cells on Second Shift Only Line 2 Only 
      If xP3IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And 
     xP3FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And 
     xP3SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then 
       strFilterP3 = "Shift = 2" 
       strFilterP3 = strFilterP3 & String.Format(" and [LineID]= '3'") 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Filter = strFilterP3 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime desc" 
      End If 

      'CheckBox Filtering Code=S how All Line 2 Only 
      If xP3IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And 
     xP3FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And 
     xP3SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then 
       strFilterP3 = "1 = 1" 
       strFilterP3 = strFilterP3 & String.Format(" and [LineID]= '3'") 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Filter = strFilterP3 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime desc" 

      End If 

      'CheckBox Filter Code Show all Data from First and Second Shift Line 2 Only 
      If xP3IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And 
       xP3FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And 
       xP3SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then 
       strFilterP3 = ("(Shift = 1 Or Shift = 2)") 
       strFilterP3 = strFilterP3 & String.Format(" And [LineID]= '3'") 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Filter = strFilterP3 
       ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime desc" 
      End If 

      'This line of code loads data into the 'ProductionDownTimeDataSet.ProductionDownTimeTable' table. 


      'After Binding the DataSource to the ComboBox in the DatGrid, this populates the data 

     Catch ex As Exception 
     End Try 

    End Sub 



而是任意延遲combobox adapterfill語句,儘量填充ComboBoxDataBindingComplete事件觸發時的DataGridView


偉大的建議!我現在明白爲什麼會發生這種情況。我已經更改了代碼,並且無法再重新創建活動。感謝您的幫助! – sds5150


@ sds5150完全沒問題!我很高興它解決了!快樂的編碼! – ic3man7019