我是新的Excel宏。Excel宏 - 可以解釋這個嗎?
Sub People_Add_Document()
prow = ActiveCell.row
num = Cells(prow, 1).Value
wshet = ActiveSheet.Name
If (Val(num) > 0) _
And (Cells(4, 1).Value = "#") _
And (wsheet = People_wsheet) _
people_select_link_to_Document process_wbook_path, prow
End If
End Sub
Sub people_select_link_to_Document(process_wbook_path, prow)
If Len(Cells(prow, DocumentFile).Value) = 0 Then
Fname = Application.GetOpenFilename("Document Files (*.doc;*.pdf),*.doc;*.pdf", 1, "Select the Document file..")
If Fname <> False Then
Cells(prow, DocumentFile).Value = Fname 'global path
End If
End If
End Sub
非常感謝你..真的幫助我:) – user397316 2011-03-09 22:09:59