var fallbackLoader = doc.createElement(script),
thirdPartyLoader = doc.createElement(script),
thirdPartySrc = '<URL to third party script>',
firstScript = doc.getElementsByTagName(script)[0];
// Doesn't matter when we fetch the fallback script, as long as
// it doesn't run early, so just set src once.
fallbackLoader.src = '<URL to fallback script>';
// IE starts fetching the fallback script here.
if('async' in firstScript) {
// Browser support for script.async:
// http://caniuse.com/#search=async
// By declaring both script tags non-async, we assert
// that they need to run in the order that they're added
// to the DOM.
fallbackLoader.async = thirdPartyLoader.async = false;
thirdPartyLoader.src = thirdPartySrc;
} else if(firstScript.readyState) {
// Use readyState for IE 6-9. (IE 10+ supports async.)
// This lets us fetch both scripts but refrain from
// running them until we know that the fetch attempt has
// finished for the first one.
thirdPartyLoader.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(thirdPartyLoader.readyState == 'loaded') {
thirdPartyLoader.onreadystatechange = null;
// The script-loading tutorial comments:
// "can't just appendChild, old IE bug
// if element isn't closed"
firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(thirdPartyLoader, firstScript);
firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(fallbackLoader, firstScript);
// Don't set src until we've attached the
// readystatechange handler, or we could miss the event.
thirdPartyLoader.src = thirdPartySrc;
} else {
// If the browser doesn't support async or readyState, we
// just won't worry about the case where script loading
// fails. This is <14% of browsers worldwide according to
// caniuse.com, and hopefully script loading will succeed
// often enough for them that this isn't a problem.
// If that isn't good enough, you might try setting an
// onerror listener in this case. That still may not work,
// but might get another small percentage of old browsers.
// See
// http://blog.lexspoon.org/2009/12/detecting-download-failures-with-script.html
thirdPartyLoader.src = thirdPartySrc;
firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(thirdPartyLoader, firstScript);
如何檢查腳本中是否存在某些內容。就像腳本包含某個對象一樣,查找那個 –
@CrayonViolent,很容易確定腳本已經加載。但是,我需要知道何時檢查。如果我檢查得太快,腳本甚至不會被下載。我需要知道如何區分「尚未裝載」和「因爲放棄而永遠不會裝載」。如果我可以確定我的支票在腳本處理完成後運行,那麼我就全部設置好了。 –
好吧,在腳本中檢查一個獨特的東西將是你最可靠的方法。但我真的不認爲有一種方法可以在x時間內每隔100ms左右使用'setTimeout'並在此之後放棄。這就是我在這樣的情況下所做的,到目前爲止我還沒有找到更好的方法。我現在不認爲存在:/ –