2014-11-08 101 views


Public Class IniFile 
' API functions 
Private Declare Ansi Function GetPrivateProfileString _ 
    Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" _ 
    (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ 
    ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, _ 
    ByVal lpReturnedString As System.Text.StringBuilder, _ 
    ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpFileName As String) _ 
    As Integer 
Private Declare Ansi Function WritePrivateProfileString _ 
    Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" _ 
    (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ 
    ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpString As String, _ 
    ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer 
Private Declare Ansi Function GetPrivateProfileInt _ 
    Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetPrivateProfileIntA" _ 
    (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ 
    ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal nDefault As Integer, _ 
    ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer 
Private Declare Ansi Function FlushPrivateProfileString _ 
    Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" _ 
    (ByVal lpApplicationName As Integer, _ 
    ByVal lpKeyName As Integer, ByVal lpString As Integer, _ 
    ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer 
Dim strFilename As String 

' Constructor, accepting a filename 
Public Sub New(ByVal Filename As String) 
    strFilename = Filename 
End Sub 

' Read-only filename property 
ReadOnly Property FileName() As String 
     Return strFilename 
    End Get 
End Property 

Public Function GetString(ByVal Section As String, _ 
    ByVal Key As String, ByVal [Default] As String) As String 
    ' Returns a string from your INI file 
    Dim intCharCount As Integer 
    Dim objResult As New System.Text.StringBuilder(256) 
    intCharCount = GetPrivateProfileString(Section, Key, _ 
     [Default], objResult, objResult.Capacity, strFilename) 
    If intCharCount > 0 Then GetString = _ 
     Left(objResult.ToString, intCharCount) 
End Function 

Public Function GetInteger(ByVal Section As String, _ 
    ByVal Key As String, ByVal [Default] As Integer) As Integer 
    ' Returns an integer from your INI file 
    Return GetPrivateProfileInt(Section, Key, _ 
     [Default], strFilename) 
End Function 

Public Function GetBoolean(ByVal Section As String, _ 
    ByVal Key As String, ByVal [Default] As Boolean) As Boolean 
    ' Returns a boolean from your INI file 
    Return (GetPrivateProfileInt(Section, Key, _ 
     CInt([Default]), strFilename) = 1) 
End Function 

Public Sub WriteString(ByVal Section As String, _ 
    ByVal Key As String, ByVal Value As String) 
    ' Writes a string to your INI file 
    WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Key, Value, strFilename) 
End Sub 

Public Sub WriteInteger(ByVal Section As String, _ 
    ByVal Key As String, ByVal Value As Integer) 
    ' Writes an integer to your INI file 
    WriteString(Section, Key, CStr(Value)) 
End Sub 

Public Sub WriteBoolean(ByVal Section As String, _ 
    ByVal Key As String, ByVal Value As Boolean) 
    ' Writes a boolean to your INI file 
    WriteString(Section, Key, CStr(CInt(Value))) 
End Sub 

Private Sub Flush() 
    ' Stores all the cached changes to your INI file 
    FlushPrivateProfileString(0, 0, 0, strFilename) 
End Sub 
End Class 




ListView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {ID, Title, Username})) 

以上是我用添加到列表視圖的代碼,這種方法增加了項目每列.. 爲了得到我使用的部分:

Dim objIniFile As New IniFile("C:\data.ini") 
objIniFile.GetString("Get Each Section ID", "Title", "Get Value related to 'Title'") 

通過一個For Each聲明我期望獲取每個部分並閱讀ID並將其添加到上面的方法中,並因此讀取每個鍵。





Module Module1 
    Private Sub WriteUsers(Filename As String) 
     'Create an example user list 
     Dim Users As New List(Of User) 
     Users.Add(New User With {.ID = "JAOIJSFL", .Title = "Hello", .Username = "Guy 1"}) 
     Users.Add(New User With {.ID = "LKGJASOI", .Title = "World", .Username = "Guy 2"}) 

     'Initialize a new XmlSerializer with the type of data you want to write 
     Dim Serializer As New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(List(Of User))) 
     'Create the file and write the list to it 
     Using fs As New IO.FileStream(Filename, IO.FileMode.Create) 
      Serializer.Serialize(fs, Users) 
     End Using 
    End Sub 

    Private Function ReadUsers(Filename As String) As List(Of User) 
     'Initialize a new XmlSerializer with the type of data you want to read 
     Dim Serializer As New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(List(Of User))) 
     'Open the input file, read and return the data 
     Using fs As New IO.FileStream(Filename, IO.FileMode.Open) 
      Return CType(Serializer.Deserialize(fs), List(Of User)) 
     End Using 
    End Function 

    Sub Main() 
     'Write data 
     'Read the written data back 
     Dim users As List(Of User) = ReadUsers("C:\test\test.xml") 
     'Output the results 
     For Each u As User In users 
      Console.WriteLine(String.Format("ID: {0}, Title: {1}, Name: {2}", u.ID, u.Title, u.Username)) 
    End Sub 
End Module 

Public Class User 
    'This class contains all the information about each 'section' that you need 
    Public Property ID As String 
    Public Property Username As String 
    Public Property Title As String 
End Class 
