#find current working directory. store as $curr. use to reference anything in $curr/mysecureview.
echo "+copy the plist to the system daemons directory."
cp $curr/sleepwatcher/config/sleepwatcher.system.plist /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/sleepwatcher.system.plist
echo "+create the /etc/mysecureview directory to contain all program files."
sudo mkdir /etc/mysecureview
echo "+copy the log file to contain the compiled set of log entries."
sudo cp $curr/log.txt /etc/mysecureview/log.txt
echo "+create the file to contain the individual set of pre-compiled log-entries."
sudo mkdir /etc/mysecureview/logs
echo "+copy the shell script to be used at bootup/wakeup"
sudo cp $curr/sleepwatcher/config/rc.wakeup /etc/mysecureview/rc.wakeup
echo "+move imagesnap"
sudo cp $curr/imagesnap-master/imagesnap /etc/mysecureview/imagesnap
#establishing root ownership of /etc/mysecureview/
#sudo chmod 700 /etc/mysecureview
#echo "+establishing root ownership of /etc/mysecureview/"
echo "========================"
echo "~Installation Succesful~"
echo "========================"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>-w /etc/mysecureview/rc.wakeup</string>
sudo cd /etc/mysecureview/
sudo ./imagesnap
'sudo cd ...'改變目錄,然後立即退出改變目錄的shell。下一個'sudo'命令再次從默認/初始目錄開始。 –