我有以下腳本可以運行,該腳本將模板中的電子郵件確認發送給與共享郵箱聯繫的外部用戶。每週大約一次或兩次,我遇到了標題欄中列出的錯誤。Outlook VB腳本:Outlook無法識別一個或多個名稱
Sub AutoReplywithTemplate(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim oRespond As Outlook.MailItem
' Use this for a real reply
' Set oRespond = Item.Reply
' This sends a response back using a template
Set oRespond = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Users\dannygonzales\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\GMS Technical Support Email Acknowledgment (Default).oft")
With oRespond
.Recipients.Add Item.SenderEmailAddress
.Subject = "GMS Technical Support Acknowledgement"
.HTMLBody = vbCrLf & oRespond.HTMLBody
' includes the original message as an attachment
' .Attachments.Add Item
' use this for testing, change to .send once you have it working as desired
End With
Set oRespond = Nothing
End Sub
謝謝,埃裏克!我很欣賞這種迴應! – DannyG73