// I am trying to apply an "onfocus="this.blur();"" so as to remove the dotted border lines around pics that are being clicked-on
// the effect should be applied to all thumb-nail links/a-tags within a div..
// sudo code (where I am):
$(".box a").focus( // so as to effect only a tags within divs of class=box | mousedown vs. onfocus vs. *** ?? | javascript/jquery... ???
var num = $(this).attr('id').replace('link_no', '');
alert("Link no. " + num + " was clicked on, but I would like an onfocus=\"this.blur();\" effect to work here instead of the alert...");
// sudo bits of code that I'm after:
// $('#link_no' + num).blur();
// $(this).blur();
// $(this).onfocus = function() { this.blur(); };
// the below works for me in firefox and ie also, but I would like it to effect only a tags within my div with class="box"
function blurAnchors2()
if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
a[i].onfocus = function() { this.blur(); };
a[i].onfocus = function() { this.hideFocus = true; };
a {
outline: none;
img, a:active{
outline: none;
單獨的CSS無法在IE6和IE7中執行此操作。另外,':focus'比':active'更合適,因爲輪廓用於標記當前聚焦的元素。 – 2010-03-15 11:51:31
但是他不希望只在點擊時才移除它嗎? 使用:active將仍然允許用戶查看所關注的內容,這對於非鼠標用戶更友好。 – 2010-03-15 11:53:57
他的問題是關於在onfocus事件中使用'blur()',所以看起來他試圖阻止他們在焦點上,而不是鼠標點擊。取消輪廓的一點是您可以將自定義樣式應用於':focus'。 – 2010-03-15 11:57:11
謝謝你們 - 我已經爲CSS(a:focus
img, a:focus{
outline: none;
- 1. 禁用onfocus =「this.blur();」
- 2. 輸入onfocus問題
- 3. 的onfocus的onblur問題的JavaScript
- 4. HTML的onfocus瀏覽器的問題
- 5. 有關onchange/onfocus的跨瀏覽器問題
- 6. 問題鉻形式的處理:輸入的onfocus =「this.select()」
- 7. GWT:在Chrome中的「onFocus事件」上使用TextBox.selectAll()的問題
- 8. Javascript onblur/onfocus
- 9. jQuery parent('tr')onFocus
- 10. onfocus和jquery - 困境
- 11. Javascript onfocus事件
- 12. Jquery onfocus/onchange events
- 13. onFocus和onBlur
- 14. fancybox and onfocus
- 15. HTML輸入onfocus&onblur?
- 16. Dijit TabContainer事件 - onFocus
- 17. onfocus vs onfocusin&onblur vs onclout
- 18. 發光按鈕onfocus
- 19. onFocus方法爲textField
- 20. 的onfocus用的onmouseout
- 21. 更改父類onfocus
- 22. Textarea onfocus,onblur和php
- 23. onblur onfocus的回聲形式
- 24. 添加到OnFocus代碼隱藏而不刪除當前OnFocus
- 25. 清除輸入字段onfocus
- 26. 鏈接上的onfocus事件
- 27. AngularJS [預輸入]上的onfocus
- 28. onfocus在javascript中不工作
- 29. JavaBeans問題表
- 30. React - inline onfocus佔位符=''
不要這樣做!它使得使用非指向設備導航頁面成爲不可能。您將使人們無法使用鍵盤,取決於呼吸開關等。 – Quentin 2010-03-15 11:47:00