2015-09-07 36 views

目前正在開發用於Lotus Notes的插件,並且在理解Notes API時遇到了一些問題。如何以編程方式創建新郵件信息以在蓮花筆記中進行編輯?

我希望能夠在我的插件視圖中單擊一個按鈕,並觸發打開可編輯的新郵件消息,並具有已設置的附件和文本。我可以通過shell命令執行此操作,但尚未從Java Eclipse RCP插件中找到適當的API調用。

如何從Lotus Notes Eclipse插件以編程方式打開「新郵件」消息?




你需要指定「新郵件」爲mailto鏈路和執行鏈接。 參見:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/notes8-data/

您可以通過操作系統的API實現這個動作,而不是通過Lotus Notes的API。具體來說,電子郵件操作使用mailto URL協議來創建新郵件。 雖然這些鏈接的規範還允許傳遞其他幾條數據。特別是,該動作使用指定消息正文的功能。您也可以放棄收件人,因此您的鏈接看起來像mailto:?body=It+would+be+nice+to+email+from+here。 因爲Lotus Notes實現了這個協議,所以像這樣的鏈接可以正確地創建一個包含給定主體的新電子郵件。你所要做的就是啓動鏈接。


我會假設這也是依賴於一個事實,即注意的是,被配置爲默認郵件客戶端,客戶端。是嗎? –


是的假設是正確的。 –


好吧,就我所見,我可以調用一個進程,就像這個問題一樣http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5604698/java-programming-call-an-exe-from-java-and-passing - 參數,但我真的不知道如何在部署插件後找到notes.exe ...您是否知道Lotus API中的某個位置,其中可以找到Notes安裝文件夾(以及註釋。可執行程序)? –


要使用Notes API創建電子郵件,您需要編寫如下代碼。這是通過點擊按鈕創建可編輯電子郵件的工作代碼。此代碼將向用戶顯示一個消息框,詢問他們想要添加到消息中的文本。用戶可以選擇在發送之前取消電子郵件。

Sub Click(Source As Button) 
Dim session As New NotesSession 
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace 
Dim db As NotesDatabase 
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument 
Dim doc As NotesDocument, doc2 As NotesDocument 
Dim itemRT As NotesRichTextItem 
Dim item As NotesItem 
Dim strComments As String 
Dim strBody As String 
Dim strSubject As String 
Dim varSubject As Variant 
Dim strInputText As String 
Const NEW_LINE   = | 


'This section is used to select who will receive responses, enter the number of people who will receive responses next to SendTo, and then below specify the people starting with (0) ----- 
Dim SendTo(2) As String 
SendTo(0) = "Notes ID of email recipient" 

'This section determines what the subject tag line will be for the feedback note. Enter what you would like next to SubjTemp 
Dim SubjTemp As String 
SubjTemp = "Feedback -- " 

Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument 
Set doc = uidoc.Document 
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase 
Set itemRT=doc.getFirstItem("body") ' get rid of attachments from background document 
If doc.HasEmbedded = True Then ' see if background document has any attachments 
    Forall x In itemRT.EmbeddedObjects 
     If x.type=1454 Then 
     End If 
    End Forall 
End If 
Set doc2 = doc.CreateReplyMessage(False) 
Set item = doc.GetFirstItem("Subject") 
varSubject = item.Values 
strSubject = SubjTemp & varSubject(0) 
Set item = doc2.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", strSubject) 
strInputText = "Thank you for providing us with your valuable feedback!" & NEW_LINE & "Please enter your comments in the space below." & NEW_LINE & "If you do not want to send a feedback, click on Cancel." 
strComments = Inputbox$(strInputText, "Comments") 
If strComments = "" Then 
    Msgbox "You did not enter any comments, a feedback message will not be sent." 
    strBody = "Very Useful" & NEW_LINE & NEW_LINE & "Comments: " & strComments 
    Set item = doc2.ReplaceItemValue("Rating", "Very Useful") 
    Set item = doc2.ReplaceItemValue("Comments", strComments) 
    Call doc2.Removeitem("Body")  ' get rid of original body field 
    Set item = doc2.ReplaceItemValue("Body", strBody) 
    doc2.SendTo = SendTo 
    Call doc2.Send(False) 
    Messagebox "Thank you for your feedback, a message has been sent.", MB_OK, "Message Sent" 
End If 



謝謝你的回答。據我所知,這是LotusScript。我將如何將它集成到Java Eclipse RCP插件中? –


當前正在生產的Notes客戶端基於eclipse。我理解你的問題是如何在Notes中使用Notes API(例如將它放在eclipse中)。你是否試圖通過程序從外部應用程序驅動這個?如果是這樣,可能需要使用Notes C/C++ API。 –


如果是基於Eclipse的應該不是Java API?是的,這是我正在嘗試做的事情,API不是最好的評論之一...... –