2014-03-29 35 views


創建一個程序來測試用C多線程和單線程堆實現++。該程序基於全局數據結構來構建和處理堆,所述全局數據結構由包含稍微隨機數的2^20無符號整數的STL向量2^8 STL向量組成。








D-Value: 64 
List Set Size: 256 
Sub-List Size: 1048576 
K-Value: 104857 
D-Heap Offset: 63 
Ad-Heap Offset: 63 

Number Of POSIX Threads: 4 

Initializing the list of sub-lists to be be processed. 

Please wait while building answer array by serially processing the sub-lists. 

Finished testing for the kth element in each sub list using CPU serially. 

CPU Wall-Clock Time: 45.2943s 
CPU Processor Time: 45.286s 

Begin testing for the kth element in each sub list using CPU with POSIX threads. 

Finished testing for the kth element in each sub list using CPU and parallel POSIX  threads. 

POSIX Threaded CPU Wall-Clock Time: 12.7866s 
POSIX Threaded CPU Processor Time: 50.202s 

The results are correct! 



D-Value: 64 
List Set Size: 256 
Sub-List Size: 1048576 
K-Value: 104857 
D-Heap Offset: 63 
Ad-Heap Offset: 63 

Number Of POSIX Threads: 4 

Initializing the list of sub-lists to be be processed. 

Please wait while building answer array by serially processing the sub-lists. 
Segmentation Fault (core dumped) 


D-Value: 64 
List Set Size: 1 
Sub-List Size: 1048576 
K-Value: 104857 
D-Heap Offset: 63 
Ad-Heap Offset: 63 

Number Of POSIX Threads: 1 

Initializing the list of sub-lists to be be processed. 

Please wait while building answer array by serially processing the sub-lists. 

Finished testing for the kth element in each sub list using CPU serially. 

CPU Wall-Clock Time: 0.23356s 
CPU Processor Time: 0.19s 

Begin testing for the kth element in each sub list using CPU with POSIX threads. 

Finished testing for the kth element in each sub list using CPU and parallel POSIX  threads. 

POSIX Threaded CPU Wall-Clock Time: 0.237998s 
POSIX Threaded CPU Processor Time: 0.19s 

The results are correct! 


Please wait while building answer array by serially processing the sub-lists. 

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 
_int_malloc (av=0x7ffff7398740 <main_arena>, bytes=<optimized out>) 
at malloc.c:3445 
3445 malloc.c: No such file or directory. 
(gdb) bt 
#0 _int_malloc (av=0x7ffff7398740 <main_arena>, bytes=<optimized out>) 
    at malloc.c:3445 
#1 0x00007ffff705a4d0 in __GI___libc_malloc (bytes=419680) at malloc.c:2859 
#2 0x0000000000401eaf in Heap_Build (main_list_index=1) at ad_heap.cpp:312 
#3 0x00000000004018bc in main (argc=7, argv=0x7fffffffdf48) at ad_heap.cpp:203 


unsigned int Heap_Build(unsigned int main_list_index) 
    unsigned int num_of_nodes = 0; 
    unsigned int *heap = (unsigned int*) malloc((k+usage_offset) * sizeof(unsigned int)); 
    unsigned int sublist_value; 

    for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) 

     sublist_value = main_list.at(main_list_index).at(i); 

     num_of_nodes = Heap_Insert_Node(heap, sublist_value, num_of_nodes); 

    for(int i = k; i < sub_list_size; i++) 
     sublist_value = main_list.at(main_list_index).at(i); 

     if(sublist_value < heap[usage_offset]) 
      Heap_Update_Key_CPU(heap, 0, sublist_value, num_of_nodes); 
    return heap[usage_offset]; 

似乎有不被任何在此代碼可疑,k是堆,k的大小+ usage_offset是表示堆的陣列的大小。返回值只是堆的根。用作堆的無符號整數的malloc'd數組結構在使用後被釋放。




使用valgrind和co(mcheck,電子圍欄,tcmalloc等),通常有幫助。 (例如github)發佈完整的源代碼(甚至更好,最小的測試用例,它仍然顯示問題)。如果你希望人們修復它的運動程序,那麼可以發佈完整的源代碼。