第一個腳本被稱爲「TABLE數據狀態」。 第二個腳本被稱爲「SORT TABLE DATA」。
當前JSBin: https://jsbin.com/noyoluhasa/1/edit?html,js,output
// ===================================================================
// =================== TABLE DATA STATES =============================
// ===================================================================
// Answer to my question on Stackoverflow:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33128718/change-data-attribute-on-click-of-html-elements
// JsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pya9jzxm/14
// Get all rows into the array except the <thead> row
var tbody = document.querySelector('tbody');
var trs = tbody.querySelectorAll('tr');
var tr, index = 0, length = trs.length;
// Start the loop
for (; index < length; index++) {
tr = trs[index];
// Set the attributes to default state
tr.setAttribute('data-state', 'enabled');
tr.setAttribute('data-display', 'collapsed');
function() {
// If its the row alphabet-label, skip it
if (this.classList.contains('alphabet-label')) {
// Conditional logic to make the rows reset after clicking away from highlighted row
var trIndex = 0, trLength = trs.length, hasExpanded = false;
var state = 'disabled';
if (tbody.querySelectorAll('[data-display="expanded"]').length > 0) {
hasExpanded = true;
state = 'enabled';
for (; trIndex < trLength; trIndex++) {
// Set all rows to disabled on click of any row
trs[trIndex].setAttribute('data-state', state);
// Reset the display of all rows
trs[trIndex].setAttribute('data-display', 'collapsed');
if (!hasExpanded) {
// Set the clicked row to active highlighted state
this.setAttribute('data-state', 'enabled');
this.setAttribute('data-display', 'expanded');
// ===================================================================
// =================== SORT TABLE DATA ===============================
// ===================================================================
// For reference:
// this.setAttribute('data-state', this.getAttribute('data-state').contains === "enabled" ? "disabled" : "enabled");
// Adds icon to clicked <th>
// VanillaJS version - opted for jquery.tablesorter plugin due to flexibility and ease of use
var thsort = document.querySelectorAll('th')
var sort, sortIndex = 0, sortlength = thsort.length;
for (; sortIndex < sortlength; sortIndex++) {
sort = thsort[sortIndex];
// On click to sort table column, do this:
function() {
var rm, rmIndex = 0;
for (; rmIndex < sortlength; rmIndex++) {
rmsort = thsort[rmIndex];
// Remove sort icon from other <th> elements
// Add sort icon to this <th>
// Conditional logic to switch asc desc label
var state = 'asc', prevState = 'desc', hasAsc, prevState;
if (this.classList.contains('asc')) {
hasAsc = true;
state = 'desc';
prevState = 'asc';
// Set all rows to disabled on click of any row
//if (hasAsc) {
// // Set the clicked row to active highlighted state
// this.setAttribute('class', state);
var alltables = document.querySelectorAll('tbody')
var thisTable, sortIndex = 0, sortlength = alltables.length;
for (; sortIndex < sortlength; sortIndex++) {
thisTable = alltables[sortIndex];
// original code here
老兄!謝謝!這很有意義,它完美地工作。我非常感謝你的幫助! – TetraDev
所以,如果我理解正確,沒有在代碼中包裝一個函數,那麼每次腳本發現一個新表時,所有的值都會改變,所以它只會引用它找到的表的最後一個實例。但是通過將代碼封裝在一個函數中,然後將每個表單獨傳遞給該函數,我們通過爲每個表創建一個範圍來解決該問題,確保變量不會被其他表所改變。感謝您的解釋:-) – TetraDev
沒錯。循環隨着時間的推移而改變這些值。通過添加函數範圍,我們保證當那些事件處理程序查找這些變量的範圍時,它們仍然保持我們期望的值。樂於幫助!!很高興它爲你工作。 – AtheistP3ace