

二是佈局問題。我認識到,windows phone有不同的元素,風格不同,但文字區域有巨大的空白,我無法擺脫。




C:\Users\username\work\cpi-app>appc ti build -p windows -T wp-emulator -C 8-1-1 
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.4.0 
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

8/17/2016, 7:06:50 PM 

Operating System 
    Name      = Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 
    Version      = 10.0.14393 
    Architecture    = 64bit 
    # CPUs      = 2 
    Memory      = 3178790912 

    Node.js Version    = 4.4.7 
    npm Version     = 2.15.8 

Titanium CLI 
    CLI Version     = 5.0.9 

Titanium SDK 
    SDK Version     = 5.4.0.GA 
    SDK Path     = C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\5.4.0.GA 
    Target Platform    = windows 

    C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Users\username\.appcelerator\install\5.4.0\package\node_modules\titanium\lib\titanium.js build -p windows -T wp-emulator -C 8-1-1 --config-file C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\build-1471417604044.json --log-level info --no-banner --project-dir C:\Users\username\work\cpi-app 

[INFO] Building for Windows Phone emulator: 8-1-1 
[INFO] Deploy type: development 
[INFO] Debugging disabled 
[INFO] Profiler disabled 
[INFO] Launching emulator: 8-1-1 
[INFO] Missing 7 app icons, generating missing icons 
[INFO] Square24x24Logo.png - Used for badge - size: 24x24 
[INFO] Square44x44Logo.png - Used for logo - size: 44x44 
[INFO] Square71x71Logo.png - Used for logo - size: 71x71 
[INFO] Square150x150Logo.png - Used for logo - size: 150x150 
[INFO] Logo.png - Used for logo - size: 150x150 
[INFO] StoreLogo.png - Used for logo - size: 50x50 
[INFO] SmallLogo.png - Used for logo - size: 30x30 
[INFO] Processing JavaScript files 
[INFO] Generating i18n files 
[INFO] Generating Native Type Wrappers 
[INFO] Setting up native modules for CMakeLists.txt... 
[INFO] Writing appxmanifest C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\Package.store.appxmanifest.in 
[INFO] Writing appxmanifest C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\Package.phone.appxmanifest.in 
[INFO] Writing appxmanifest C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\Package.win10.appxmanifest.in 
[INFO] Writing CMakeLists.txt: C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\CMakeLists.txt 
[INFO] CmakeLists.txt contents unchanged, retaining existing file. 
[INFO] Running cmake at C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\5.4.0.GA\windows\cli\vendor\cmake\bin\cmake.exe in directory C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86 
[INFO] -- Could NOT find PythonInterp (missing: PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) 
[INFO] -- Configuring done 
[INFO] -- Generating done 
[INFO] -- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/username/.titanium/vsbuild/cpi-app/phone.x86 
[INFO] Running MSBuild on solution: C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.sln 
[INFO] Windows Phone emulator is ready 
[WARN] MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/done'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
[WARN] MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/cancel'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/checkin'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/leaders'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/events'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/groups'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/stream'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
[WARN] MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/cancel'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/checkin'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/done'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/events'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/groups'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
[WARN] MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/leaders'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/stream'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
[WARN] MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/done'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/cancel'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/checkin'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/leaders'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/events'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/groups'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/stream'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 

"C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.sln" (default target) (1) -> 
"C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (2) -> 
"C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj" (default target) (6) -> 
(_SplitResourcesPri target) -> 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/cancel'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/checkin'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/done'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/events'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
[WARN] MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/groups'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/leaders'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 
    MakePRI : warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for 'Resources/stream'. The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when retrieving the resources. [C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\phone.x86\CPInteriors.vcxproj] 

    14 Warning(s) 
    0 Error(s) 

Time Elapsed 00:00:21.87 
[INFO] Writing build manifest: C:\Users\username\.titanium\vsbuild\cpi-app\build-manifest.json 
[INFO] Copying results back to project build directory 
[INFO] Finished building the application in 30s 892ms 
[INFO] Installing and launching the application. Please wait as this may take some time... 
[INFO] Installing dependency: Microsoft.VCLibs.x86.12.00.Phone.appx 
[INFO] Project built successfully in 30s 932ms 

[INFO] Installing the application... 
[INFO] Connected to app 
-- Start application log ----------------------------------------------------- 
[INFO] Database is up to date and running with migration version: 2 
[INFO] Logger printing some log text 
[INFO] Finished installing the application 
[INFO] Waiting for app to connect to log relay 
[INFO] Finished launching the application 
-- End application log ------------------------------------------------------- 



雖然一年前趨於穩定,對於Windows Phone的鈦SDK的支持仍然很差。在Appcelerator中爲該操作系統創建功能完全的應用幾乎是不可能的。一些例子:

  • Ti.UI.SIZE不支持
  • 日誌輸出仍然不可用
  • ,你發現,還有其他一些GUI問題

感謝這個!經過許多小時的搜索,我無法得到這個基本的答案:P – philosopher