import java.util.Scanner;
public class ExerciseConversionList {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
* (Conversion from kilograms to pounds and
* pounds to kilograms) Write a program that
* displays the following two tables side by
* side:
* Kilograms Pounds | Pounds Kilograms
* 1 2.2 | 20 9.09
* 3 6.6 | 25 11.36
* ...
* 197 433.4 | 510 231.82
* 199 437.8 | 515 243.09
System.out.print("Kilograms" + "\t" + "Pounds"+ "\t" + "|"+" Pounds"+"\t"+" Kilograms \n");
int limitkg = 198;
int limitlb = 516;
int kg = 0, i = 1;
int lb = 20, j = 5;
//loop the list while kilograms is less than 199 and round the result to 1 decimal place.
while (kg <= limitkg && lb <=limitlb) {
kg = kg + i; lb = lb + j;
double conversionkg = Math.round((kg * 2.2) * 10)/10.0;
double conversionlb = Math.round((lb * .453) * 10) /10/0;
System.out.println (kg + "\t " + conversionkg +"|"+lb + "\t " + conversionlb);}
Exception in thread "main" Kilograms Pounds | Pounds Kilograms
java.lang.ArithmeticException:/by zero
at Chapter5.ExerciseConversionList.main(ExerciseConversionList.java:33)
投票結束。 「這個問題是由於無法再現的問題或簡單的印刷錯誤造成的。雖然類似的問題可能在這裏討論,但這個問題的解決方式不太可能有助於未來的讀者。這通常可以通過識別並密切檢查在發佈之前重現問題所需的最短程序來避免。 ' – Jashaszun
這個錯誤告訴你,你在第33行除以零。如果你看第33行,你會看到:'/ 0'。你知道「鴻溝」是什麼意思嗎?你知道「零」是什麼意思嗎? – David
劃分零星爆炸行星,我建議不要這樣做;) –