2015-05-13 38 views





// Enabling this will allow custom scripts to replace existing moodle scripts. 
// For example: if $CFG->customscripts/course/view.php exists then 
// it will be used instead of $CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php 
// At present this will only work for files that include config.php and are called 
// as part of the url (index.php is implied). 
// Some examples are: 
//  http://my.moodle.site/course/view.php 
//  http://my.moodle.site/index.php 
//  http://my.moodle.site/admin   (index.php implied) 
// Custom scripts should not include config.php 
// Warning: Replacing standard moodle scripts may pose security risks and/or may not 
// be compatible with upgrades. Use this option only if you are aware of the risks 
// involved. 
// Specify the full directory path to the custom scripts 
//  $CFG->customscripts = '/home/example/customscripts';