所以如何整合整合合適的方式?在IOS的Xcode 8
Option A: Use CocoaPods (Recommended)
Setting up CocoaPods on your system if you don't have it already.
Make sure you have the latest 1.1.0 version by running pod --version from the terminal.
Run the following to upgrade sudo gem install cocoapods
1.1 Make sure your current Xcode project is closed.
1.2 Run pod init
1.3 Run echo "pod 'OneSignal'" >> Podfile
NOTE (React Native only) : Run echo "pod 'OneSignal', '~> 1.13.3'" >> Podfile instead.
1.3 Run pod install
1.4 Open the newly created .xcworkspace file.
是的,這裏也一樣。任何解決方案 – Mark
是的,我得到了解決方案,問題是創建pod文件 –
謝謝...... – Mark