2013-11-23 95 views

我正在使用Visual Studio 2012和Visual Basic編程語言。我有一個單位轉換器,目前正在轉換長度。我的問題是,當我轉換1釐米到英里我得到6.214E-06。現在,我明白這是6.214 x 10^-6,但我希望它顯示實際數字而不是科學記數法。我相信用戶會更容易。我如何讓它顯示實際的號碼(0.000006214)?使用Visual Basic將釐米轉換爲英寸

  ' converts centimeter to... 
      If cbo1.SelectedItem = "Centimeter" Then 
       If cbo2.SelectedItem = "Kilometer" Then 
        txtUnit2.Text = Math.Round(dblUnit1 * 0.0001, 6).ToString.Trim 
       ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Meter" Then 
        txtUnit2.Text = Math.Round(dblUnit1 * 0.01, 6).ToString.Trim 
       ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Centimeter" Then 
        txtUnit2.Text = txtUnit1.Text 
       ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Millimeter" Then 
        txtUnit2.Text = Math.Round(dblUnit1 * 10, 6).ToString.Trim 
       ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Mile" Then 
        txtUnit2.Text = dblUnit1 * 0.000006214.ToString.Trim 
       ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Yard" Then 
        txtUnit2.Text = Math.Round(dblUnit1 * 0.010936133, 6).ToString.Trim 
       ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Foot" Then 
        txtUnit2.Text = Math.Round(dblUnit1 * 0.032808399, 6).ToString.Trim 
       ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Inch" Then 
        txtUnit2.Text = Math.Round(dblUnit1 * 0.393700787, 6).ToString.Trim 
       End If 
      End If 




Private Function GetLength1(ByVal decLengthUnit1 As Decimal) As Decimal 

    Dim decResult1 As Decimal 

    If cboUnitType.SelectedItem = "Length" Then 

     ' converts centimeter to... 
     If cbo1.SelectedItem = "Centimeter" Then 
      If cbo2.SelectedItem = "Kilometer" Then 
       decResult1 = (decLengthUnit1 * 0.0001) 
      ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Meter" Then 
       decResult1 = (decLengthUnit1 * 0.01) 
      ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Centimeter" Then 
       decResult1 = txtUnit1.Text 
      ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Millimeter" Then 
       decResult1 = (decLengthUnit1 * 10) 
      ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Mile" Then 
       decResult1 = (decLengthUnit1 * 0.000006214) 
      ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Yard" Then 
       decResult1 = (decLengthUnit1 * 0.010936133) 
      ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Foot" Then 
       decResult1 = (decLengthUnit1 * 0.032808399) 
      ElseIf cbo2.SelectedItem = "Inch" Then 
       decResult1 = (decLengthUnit1 * 0.393700787) 
      End If 
     End If 

    Return decResult1 
End Function 

Private Sub txtUnit1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtUnit1.TextChanged 

    If suppressTextBox1TextChanged = False Then 

     Decimal.TryParse(txtUnit1.Text, decUnit1) 

     ' if String.Empty 
     If txtUnit1.Text = "" Then 
      txtUnit2.Text = "" 
      ' trigger the function 
      suppressTextBox2TextChanged = True 
      txtUnit2.Text = GetLength1(decUnit1) 
      suppressTextBox2TextChanged = False 
     End If 
    End If 

End Sub 



Module Module1 

    Function DoubleToString(x As Double) As String 
     Dim sf As String = x.ToString() 
     ' If the number would not be displayed in scientific format, there is no 
     ' need to process it. 
     Dim eLocation As Integer = sf.IndexOf({"E"c}, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
     If eLocation = -1 Then 
      Return sf 
     End If 

     Dim decSeparator As Char = CChar(Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator) 

     Dim magnitude As Integer = CInt(Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(x)))) 

     If magnitude < 0 Then 
      Dim digits As String = (x * 10^(-magnitude)).ToString().Replace(decSeparator, "") 
      Dim sign As String = "" 
      If x < 0 Then 
       sign = "-" 
       digits = digits.Substring(1) 
      End If 
      Return String.Format("{0}0{1}{2}{3}", sign, decSeparator, New String("0"c, -magnitude - 1), digits) 
      ' Could process it to display large numbers. 
      Return sf 
     End If 

    End Function 
    Sub Main() 
     Dim value As Double = 0.00006214 
     ' A simple way. 



    End Sub 

End Module 

