2017-03-27 82 views


preg_replace("/[-_]([a-z])/e", "ucfirst('\\1')", ucwords($verb)); 


/** @see Zang_Exception **/ 
require_once 'Exception.php'; 

/** @see Zang_Schemas **/ 
require_once 'Schemas.php'; 

* A Zang InboundXML wrapper. 
* Please consult the online documentation for more details. 
* Online documentation can be found at: http://www.zang.io/docs/api/inboundxml/ 
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
* @category Zang Wrapper 
* @package Zang 
* @author Nevio Vesic <[email protected]> 
* @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/MIT/ MIT 
* @copyright (2012) Zang, Inc. <[email protected]> 

class Zang_InboundXML 

    * InboundXML simple xml element container 
    * @var null|SimpleXmlElement 
    protected $element; 

    * Current child pointer. Used for nesting validations 
    * @var string|null 
    protected $_currentChild = null; 

    * Constructs a InboundXML response. 
    * @param SimpleXmlElement|array $arg: 
    * - the element to wrap 
    * - attributes to add to the element 
    * - if null, initialize an empty element named 'Response' 
    public function __construct($arg = null) { 
     switch (true) { 
      case $arg instanceof SimpleXmlElement: 
       $this->element = $arg; 
       $this->_currentChild = strtolower($arg->getName()); 
      case $arg === null: 
       $this->element = new SimpleXmlElement('<Response/>'); 
       $this->_currentChild = 'response'; 
      case is_array($arg): 
       $this->element = new SimpleXmlElement('<Response/>'); 
       $this->_currentChild = 'response'; 
       foreach ($arg as $name => $value) { 
        $this->_validateAttribute($name, 'response'); 
        $this->element->addAttribute($name, $value); 
      default: throw new Zang_Exception('InboundXML Invalid construction argument'); 

    * Converts method calls into InboundXML verbs. 
    * @return SimpleXmlElement A SimpleXmlElement 
    public function __call($verb, array $args) { 

     /** convert verbs input like-this-one to LikeThisOne **/ 
     $verb = preg_replace("/[-_]([a-z])/e", "ucfirst('\\1')", ucwords($verb)); 

     /** Let's first go check if the verb exists **/ 

     /** Let's go validate nesting **/ 

     list($noun, $attrs) = $args + array('', array()); 

     if (is_array($noun)) list($attrs, $noun) = array($noun, ''); 

     $child = empty($noun) 
      ? $this->element->addChild(ucfirst($verb)) 
      : $this->element->addChild(ucfirst($verb), $noun); 

     foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) { 
      /** Validation of verb attributes **/ 
      $this->_validateAttribute($name, $verb); 
      $child->addAttribute($name, $value); 
     return new self($child); 


    * Returns the object as XML. 
    * @return string The response as an XML string 
    public function __toString() { 
     $xml = $this->element->asXml(); 
     return str_replace(
      '<?xml version="1.0" ?>', 
      '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>', 

    * Validate existance of the verb. Return true if exists, throw exception 
    * if fails. 
    * @param string $verb 
    * @throws Zang_Exception 
    * @return bool 
    private function _validateVerb($verb) { 
     $schemas = Zang_Schemas::getInstance(); 

     if(!$schemas->isVerb(ucfirst($verb))) { 
      $available_verbs = implode(', ', $schemas->getAvailableVerbs()); 
      throw new Zang_Exception(
       "Verb '{$verb}' is not a valid InboundXML verb. Available verbs are: '{$available_verbs}'" 

     return true; 

    * Validate if previous child allows this verb to be its child. 
    * @param string $verb 
    * @return boolean 
    * @throws Zang_Exception 
    private function _validateNesting($verb) { 
     $schemas = Zang_Schemas::getInstance(); 

     if(!$schemas->isNestingAllowed(ucfirst($this->_currentChild), ucfirst($verb))) { 
      $nestable_verbs = implode(', ', $schemas->getNestableByVerbs(ucfirst($this->_currentChild))); 
      $current_verb = ucfirst($this->_currentChild); 
      $next_verb  = ucfirst($verb); 
      throw new Zang_Exception(
       "InboundXML element '{$current_verb}' does not support '{$next_verb}' element. The following elements are supported: '{$nestable_verbs}'." 

     return true; 

    * Validate if attribute of verb exists. If not, throw exception, otherwise, return true. 
    * @param string $attr 
    * @param string $verb 
    * @return boolean 
    * @throws Zang_Exception 
    private function _validateAttribute($attr, $verb) { 
     $schemas = Zang_Schemas::getInstance(); 

     if(!$schemas->isValidAttribute($attr, ucfirst($verb))) { 
      $verb_attribuges = implode(', ', $schemas->getAvailableAttributes(ucfirst($verb))); 
      throw new Zang_Exception(
       "Attribute '{$attr}' does not exist for verb '{$verb}'. Available attributes are: '{$verb_attribuges}'" 
     return true; 


如果你沒有告訴你實際上你想要做什麼,這是不可能的,所以_why_你想使用另一個函數。 – arkascha


我已添加整個頁面,以便您完全看到 – Frezzy


爲什麼不簡單告訴我們原因? – arkascha





$verb = 'this is a simple-test_sentence to convert.'; 
echo preg_replace_callback(
    function($string) { return ucfirst($string[1]); }, 




再次感謝,工作! – Frezzy
