2017-04-21 190 views



var quotes = [ 
    ["「If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.」", "Marcus Aurelius"],["「The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.」", "Colin Wilson"], 
    ["「Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.」", "Marcus Aurelius"], 
    ["「Warriors should suffer their pain silently.」","Erin Hunter"], 
    ["「Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won't make us happier.」", "Randy Pausch"], 
    ["「It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.」", "Seneca"], 
    ["「How do you defeat terrorism? Don’t be terrorized.」", "Salman Rushdie"], 
    ["「It is not the man who has too little that is poor, but the one who hankers after more.」", "Seneca"], 
    ["「What really frightens and dismays us is not external events themselves, but the way in which we think about them. It is not things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance.」", "Epictetus"], 
    ["「For death remembered should be like a mirror, who tells us life’s but breath, to trust it error.」", "Shakespeare"], 
    ["「No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.」", "Buddha"], 
    ["「You only lose what you cling to.」", "Buddha"], 
    ["「Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.」", "Alan W. Watts"], 
    ["「If there is any religion that could respond to the needs of modern science, it would be Buddhism.」", "Albert Einstein"], 
    ["「We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.」", "Hermann Hesse"], 
    ["「Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else.」", "Shunryu Suzuki"], 
    ["「Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.」", "Buddha"], 
    ["「Life is painful. It has thorns, like the stem of a rose. Culture and art are the roses that bloom on the stem. The flower is yourself, your humanity. Art is the liberation of the humanity inside yourself.」", "Daisaku Ikeda"], 
    ["「Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.」", "Ray Bradbury"] 

var randomInt = Math.floor((Math.random() * quotes.length) + 1); 

// Generate random number 
// Get number's position from array 
var aQuote = function() { 
    return quotes[randomInt][0] + ""; 

var aQuoteAuthor = function() { 
    return quotes[randomInt][1] + ""; 

// Change textblock into quote + author 
// Display quote on page 
// Display author on page 

function changeButton() { 
    document.getElementById('quote').innerHTML = aQuote(); 
    document.getElementById('quoteAuthor').innerHTML = aQuoteAuthor(); 

// Register button press 
document.getElementById('aButton').onclick = changeButton(); 


<div class="container"> 
    <div class="row"> 
     <div class="u-full-width"> 
     <div class="quotediv"> 
      <h5 id="quote" class="text-primary-color">「Imagine smiling after a slap in the face. Then think of doing it twenty-four hours a day.」</h5> 
      <p id="quoteAuthor" class="light-primary-color">Markus Zusak<p> 
      <button id="aButton" type="button button-primary" class="primary-text-color"> NEW QUOTE</button> 

    <script src ="scripts/script.js"></script> 



P.S.我是一個編碼新手。這是我的第一個問題。我試圖按照指導方針的特異性,但如果您對我的問題表述有任何提示或意見,請告訴我! :)


是誰喊'changeButton'功能 – brk


如何事件偵聽器連接到元素'的document.getElementById( 'A按鈕')的addEventListener( '點擊',changeButton());' – snkv


試試這個文件' .getElementById('#id')。on('click',changebutton());' – MUT




document.getElementById('aButton').onclick = changeButton(); 


document.getElementById('aButton').onclick = changeButton; 


document.getElementById('aButton').addEventListener('click', changeButton); 


document.getElementById('aButton').addEventListener("click", changeButton); 


document.getElementById('aButton').onclick = changeButton(); 


document.getElementById('aButton').onclick = changeButton; 


function changeButton() { 
\t alert("Hello") 

document.getElementById('aButton').addEventListener("click", changeButton);
<button id="aButton">Click Me</button>



的document.getElementById( 'A按鈕')的onclick = changeButton


document.getElementById('aButton').onclick = changeButton 

function changeButton() { 
<button id="aButton"> 



<!DOCTYPE html> 

var quotes = [ 
    ["「If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.」", "Marcus Aurelius"],["「The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.」", "Colin Wilson"], 
    ["「Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.」", "Marcus Aurelius"], 
    ["「Warriors should suffer their pain silently.」","Erin Hunter"], 
    ["「Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won't make us happier.」", "Randy Pausch"], 
    ["「It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.」", "Seneca"], 
    ["「How do you defeat terrorism? Don’t be terrorized.」", "Salman Rushdie"], 
    ["「It is not the man who has too little that is poor, but the one who hankers after more.」", "Seneca"], 
    ["「What really frightens and dismays us is not external events themselves, but the way in which we think about them. It is not things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance.」", "Epictetus"], 
    ["「For death remembered should be like a mirror, who tells us life’s but breath, to trust it error.」", "Shakespeare"], 
    ["「No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.」", "Buddha"], 
    ["「You only lose what you cling to.」", "Buddha"], 
    ["「Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.」", "Alan W. Watts"], 
    ["「If there is any religion that could respond to the needs of modern science, it would be Buddhism.」", "Albert Einstein"], 
    ["「We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.」", "Hermann Hesse"], 
    ["「Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else.」", "Shunryu Suzuki"], 
    ["「Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.」", "Buddha"], 
    ["「Life is painful. It has thorns, like the stem of a rose. Culture and art are the roses that bloom on the stem. The flower is yourself, your humanity. Art is the liberation of the humanity inside yourself.」", "Daisaku Ikeda"], 
    ["「Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.」", "Ray Bradbury"] 

var randomInt = Math.floor((Math.random() * quotes.length) + 1); 

// Generate random number 
// Get number's position from array 
var aQuote = function() { 
    return quotes[randomInt][0] + ""; 

var aQuoteAuthor = function() { 
    return quotes[randomInt][1] + ""; 

// Change textblock into quote + author 
// Display quote on page 
// Display author on page 

function changeButton() { 
    document.getElementById('quote').innerHTML = aQuote(); 
    document.getElementById('quoteAuthor').innerHTML = aQuoteAuthor(); 


    <div class="container"> 
    <div class="row"> 
     <div class="u-full-width"> 
     <div class="quotediv"> 
      <h5 id="quote" class="text-primary-color">「Imagine smiling after a slap in the face. Then think of doing it twenty-four hours a day.」</h5> 
      <p id="quoteAuthor" class="light-primary-color">Markus Zusak<p> 
      <button id="aButton" type="button button-primary" class="primary-text-color"> NEW QUOTE</button> 
