2014-05-21 101 views



letter.count <- function(text, letters) { 
## count the number of times letters appears in the text 
return(sum(unlist(strsplit(text, "")) %in% letters)) 

該數據是一組推文,我必須找到樣本平均頻率。 數據表被設置爲使得推文位於一側而消極位於另一側。我已經設法隔離所有推文的負面推文,現在我只需要找到所有推文的最常見的字母。


這是一個家庭作業的問題嗎?你知道'letter.count'函數的作用嗎? – MrFlick




locate.letters <- function(text, letters){ 
    x <- unlist(strsplit(text, '')) 
    tt <- table(x[x %in% letters]) 
    list(table = tt, sum = sum(tt), max = tt[which.max(tt)]) 

> txt 
## [1] "I am a geography student. I am interested in mining tweets for 
## geographic data in support of my thesis on the new Geography. I know maps 
## are being developed by some developers. I would like to be able to 
## develop maps myself. How do I do that? What is the process? 
## Thanks in advance." 

> locate.letters(txt, letters[1:10]) 
## $table 

## a b c d e f g h i 
## 17 4 3 11 30 3 7 9 11 

## $sum 
## [1] 95 

## $max 
## e 
## 30