2013-12-09 25 views

我在Java的第一個學期,我需要幫助從下面的VotingMachine類調用方法到候選類。投票機類正在編譯。感謝大家的幫助,您可以提供.... 奔馳如何從帶有數組列表的類調用另一個類的方法?

import java.util.ArrayList; 

* These are the fields for the Voting Machine Class. 
public class VotingMachine 
    private ArrayList<String> candidateList; 

    * The following constructor will establish the Candidate List 
    public VotingMachine() 
     candidateList = new ArrayList<String>(); 

    * This constructor will store the Candidates for the Candidate List 
    public void setCandidateList() 
     candidateList.add("Darnell Woffard"); 
     candidateList.add("Barack Obama"); 
     candidateList.add("Hillary Clinton"); 

    * This method will display the entire Candidate List. 
    public void printCandidateInfo() 
     for (int index=0; index < candidateList.size(); index++) 

    * Method to the number of Candidates in the CandidateList Arraylist. 
    public int getNumberofFiles() 
     return candidateList.size();  

    * Method to select one candidate by first providing an index number. 
    public void listFile(int index) 
     if(index >= 0 && index < candidateList.size()){ 
      String filename = candidateList.get(index); 

    * This method will enable a user to remove a candidate. 
    public void removeFile(int index) 
     if(index >= 0 && index < candidateList.size()){ 

    * This method will add a file to the Candidate List. 
    public void addCandidate(String filename) 

//The Candidate Class: 

public class Candidate{ 

    private String name; 
    private char party; 
    private String candidateList; 
// Add fields 
    * Fields 
    * name - Candidate's name, stored in a String 
    * party - Candidate's political party, stored in a char 
    * as 'r' for Republican, 'd' for Democrat, and 'i' for Independent 

    * Constructor 
    * @param anyName - caller inputs Candidate name 
    * @param anyParty - caller inputs Candidate's party affiliation 
    * stored as a char 
    * chars are assigned with single quotes. 
    public Candidate(String anyName, char anyParty) 
     name = anyName; 
     party = anyParty; 

    * The method will enable method calls from the Voting Machine Class. 
    public void main(String candidateList) 
     VotingMachine votingMachine = new VotingMachine(); 

      * This method will define the candidates party affiliation. 
      * public char setParty() 

//Complete the three methods and their comments.  
    * Method to retrieve the Candidate's name for the caller. 
    * public String getName(String anyName) 

    * Method to retrieve the Candidate's party for the caller. 
    * @return 

    * Method to change the Candidate's party 
    * @param 

大量的工作在這一個xD 首先:setCandidateList從不被調用 - 它應該從構造函數中調用。爲了將來的參考:如果它不是setter/getter模式的setter(不過你可以在以後學習,也可以在什麼時候使用,何時不使用:))。第二:看起來你不應該存儲候選人的名字,而是實例化候選人並將他們放入後備列表private ArrayList candidateList;因此,重新構造您的構造函數以接受分隔符上的'candidateList'拆分,構造'Candidate's – chzbrgla




private ArrayList<candidate> candidateList; 

* The following constructor will establish the Candidate List 
public VotingMachine() 
    candidateList = new ArrayList<String>(); 

現在ArrayList中增加新的人選我已經修改了你的方法 setCandidate() 作爲

public void addNewCandidate(String name, char partySymbol) 
    candidate candid = new candidate(name, partySymbol);// this will call the candidate constructor 
    candidateList.add(candid);//add that object in ArrayList 


作爲對象的ArrayList商店引用文件,其內置功能int get(int index)將返回的參考目的。要打印該對象的信息或者可以說值,我們應該定義一個函數getName()getParty()。而不是這個System.out.println(candidateList.get(index));,你應該叫System.out.println(candidateList.get(index).getName());System.out.println(candidateList.get(index).getParty());在下面的方法

public void printCandidateInfo() 
    for (int index=0; index < candidateList.size(); index++) 


public String getName() 
    return name; 


* Method to retrieve the Candidate's party for the caller. 
* @return 
public char getParty() 
    return party; 



public void listFile(int index) 
     if(index >= 0 && index < candidateList.size()){ 
     String filename = candidateList.get(index); 




import java.util.ArrayList; 

* These are the fields for the Voting Machine Class. 

public class VotingMachine 
private ArrayList<Candidate> candidateList; 

* The following constructor will establish the Candidate List 
public VotingMachine() 
    candidateList = new ArrayList<>(); 

* This method will store the Candidates for the Candidate List 
public void addNewCandidate(String name, char partySymbol) 
    Candidate candid = new Candidate(name, partySymbol);// this will call the candidate constructor 
    candidateList.add(candid);//add that object in ArrayList 

* This method will display the entire Candidate List. 
public void printCandidateInfo() 
    for (int index=0; index < candidateList.size(); index++) 
     System.out.println(" " + candidateList.get(index).getParty()); 

* Method to the number of Candidates in the CandidateList Arraylist. 
public int getNumberofFiles() 
    return candidateList.size();  

* Method to select one candidate by first providing an index number. 
public void listFile(int index) 
    System.out.println(" " + candidateList.get(index).getParty()); 

* This method will enable a user to remove a candidate. 
public void removeFile(int index) 
    if(index >= 0 && index < candidateList.size()){ 




