2016-07-22 38 views





這個問題,正如所寫,有點寬泛。你能舉一個你想要迭代地解決的具體問題的例子,你如何遞歸地解決它,以及當你試圖迭代地執行它時遇到了什麼問題? – templatetypedef


例如,你可以採取矩陣鏈乘法http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/dynamic-programming-set-8-matrix-chain-multiplication/,看到我的代碼在這裏http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38464887/dynamic-programming-matrix-chain-multiplication,我想不出如何維護一個dp矩陣或自頂向下/自下而上。 –




對於一個更簡單的例子,我們來看一下斐波那契數列。假設我們想計算F(101)。遞歸執行時,我們將從我們的大問題開始 - F(101)。爲此,我們注意到我們需要計算F(99)F(100)。然後,對於F(99),我們需要F(97)F(98)。我們繼續下去,直到達到最小的可解子問題,即F(1),並記錄結果。迭代地進行時,我們從最小的子問題F(1)開始,繼續向上,將結果保存在一個表中(所以本質上它只是一個從1到101的簡單循環)。


/* Solve the problem recursively (naive) 

    p - matrix dimensions 
    n - size of p 
    i..j - state (sub-problem): range of parenthesis */ 
int solve_rn(int p[], int n, int i, int j) { 
    // A matrix multiplied by itself needs no operations 
    if (i == j) return 0; 

    // A minimal solution for this sub-problem, we 
    // initialize it with the maximal possible value 
    int min = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); 

    // Recursively solve all the sub-problems 
    for (int k = i; k < j; ++k) { 
     int tmp = solve_rn(p, n, i, k) + solve_rn(p, n, k + 1, j) + p[i - 1] * p[k] * p[j]; 
     if (tmp < min) min = tmp; 

    // Return solution for this sub-problem 
    return min; 


solve_rn(p, n, 1, n - 1) 


/* Solve the problem recursively (DP) 

    p - matrix dimensions 
    n - size of p 
    i..j - state (sub-problem): range of parenthesis */ 
int solve_r(int p[], int n, int i, int j) { 
    /* We need to remember the results for state i..j. 
     This can be done in a matrix, which we call dp, 
     such that dp[i][j] is the best solution for the 
     state i..j. We initialize everything to 0 first. 

     static keyword here is just a C/C++ thing for keeping 
     the matrix between function calls, you can also either 
     make it global or pass it as a parameter each time. 

     MAXN is here too because the array size when doing it like 
     this has to be a constant in C/C++. I set it to 100 here. 
     But you can do it some other way if you don't like it. */ 
    static int dp[MAXN][MAXN] = {{0}}; 

    /* A matrix multiplied by itself has 0 operations, so we 
     can just return 0. Also, if we already computed the result 
     for this state, just return that. */ 
    if (i == j) return 0; 
    else if (dp[i][j] != 0) return dp[i][j]; 

    // A minimal solution for this sub-problem, we 
    // initialize it with the maximal possible value 
    dp[i][j] = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); 

    // Recursively solve all the sub-problems 
    for (int k = i; k < j; ++k) { 
     int tmp = solve_r(p, n, i, k) + solve_r(p, n, k + 1, j) + p[i - 1] * p[k] * p[j]; 
     if (tmp < dp[i][j]) dp[i][j] = tmp; 

    // Return solution for this sub-problem 
    return dp[i][j];; 


solve_r(p, n, 1, n - 1) 


/* Solve the problem iteratively 

    p - matrix dimensions 
    n - size of p 

    We don't need to pass state, because we iterate the states. */ 
int solve_i(int p[], int n) { 
    // But we do need our table, just like before 
    static int dp[MAXN][MAXN]; 

    // Multiplying a matrix by itself needs no operations 
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) 
     dp[i][i] = 0; 

    // L represents the length of the chain. We go from smallest, to 
    // biggest. Made L capital to distinguish letter l from number 1 
    for (int L = 2; L < n; ++L) { 
     // This double loop goes through all the states in the current 
     // chain length. 
     for (int i = 1; i <= n - L + 1; ++i) { 
      int j = i + L - 1; 
      dp[i][j] = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); 

      for (int k = i; k <= j - 1; ++k) { 
       int tmp = dp[i][k] + dp[k+1][j] + p[i-1] * p[k] * p[j]; 
       if (tmp < dp[i][j]) 
        dp[i][j] = tmp; 

    // Return the result of the biggest problem 
    return dp[1][n-1]; 


solve_i(p, n) 


比方說,我們需要優化的4個矩陣乘法:A B C D。我們正在做一個迭代方法,所以我們將首先計算長度爲2的鏈:(A B) C D,A (B C) DA B (C D)。然後是三條鏈:(A B C) DA (B C D)。這就是L,ij

L表示鏈長度時,它從2進入n - 1n是在這種情況下4,所以這是3)。

ij代表鏈條的起始和結束位置。如果L = 2i去從13,並j去從24

(A B) C D  A (B C) D  A B (C D) 
^^   ^^   ^^ 
i j    i j    i j 

如果L = 3i去從12,並j34雲:

(A B C) D  A (B C D) 
^ ^  ^^
i j   i j 

所以一般來說,i1n - L + 1ji + L - 1

現在,讓我們繼續假設我們處於(A B C) D的步驟。我們現在需要考慮子問題(已計算的):((A B) C) D(A (B C)) D。這就是k的用途。它通過ij之間的所有位置並計算子問題。



你能解釋最後一段代碼中的循環,第二個循環爲什麼要達到n-L +1,以及如何計算j以及第三個循環是否到達j-1。也許有一個例子。 –


@NikhilVerma請參閱編輯 –



