2013-10-09 46 views

我需要做的是找到一個向上的箭頭字符,並用向上的箭頭形狀替換它,併爲下來的箭頭做同樣的事情。我是VBA的新手,但對我希望宏如何工作有一個想法。它應該循環瀏覽幻燈片上的所有幻燈片。Powerpoint VBA:搜索一個字符箭頭並用形狀箭頭代替

1)找到箭頭字符的位置? (使用INSTR命令?和CHR編碼命令,不確定INSTR是否在ppt中工作,或者是否是適當的代碼)


Dim i As Integer 
    Dim shp As Shape 
    Dim sld As Slide 
    Set sld = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide 

    Set shp = sld.Shapes.AddShape(36, 10, 10, 5.0399, 8.6399) 
    shp.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(89, 0, 0) 
    shp.Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(89, 0, 0) 
shp.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(89, 0, 0) 




謝謝KazJaw。我非常感謝大家在這裏幫助我們,並從現在開始這樣做。我瀏覽了過去的答案,並接受了最好的答案。 –


請參閱@ SteveRindsberg的建議,我不知道這是可能的,所以我建議的非常複雜的方法是沒有必要的。我修改了我的答案,以使用史蒂夫的建議,但如果它對你有用,他應該可以得到答案。 –




enter image description here


那麼,如何在你的代碼的工作,這裏是查找的形狀,並與你的箭,每@ SteveRindsberg的建議修訂涵蓋了吧,下面:)

Public Const upArrow As String = &H25B2  'This is the Hex code for the upward triangle/arrow 
Public Const downArrow As String = &H25BC 'This is the Hex code for the downward triangle/arrow 
Sub WorkWithSpecialChars() 
    Dim pres As Presentation 
    Dim sld As Slide 
    Dim shp As Shape 
    Dim foundAt As Long 
    Dim arrowTop As Double 
    Dim arrowLeft As Double 
    Dim arrow As Shape 
    Set pres = ActivePresentation 

    For Each sld In pres.Slides 
     For Each shp In sld.Shapes 
     If shp.HasTextFrame Then 
      foundAt = InStr(shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.Text, ChrW(upArrow)) 
      If foundAt > 0 Then 
       MsgBox "Slide " & sld.SlideIndex & " Shape " & shp.Name & " contains " & _ 
        "the character at position " & foundAt, vbInformation 

       'Select the text 
       With shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(foundAt, 1) 
       'Get the position of the selected text & add the arrow 
        Set arrow = sld.Shapes.AddShape(36, _ 
          .BoundLeft, .BoundTop, .BoundWidth, .BoundHeight) 
        'additional code to format the shape 
        ' or call a subroutine to format the shape, etc. 

       End With 
       Debug.Print "Not found in shape " & shp.Name & ", Slide " & sld.SlideIndex 
      End If 
     End If 

End Sub 

我在嘗試複製代碼時遇到'shp.textframe.Characters'中的字符錯誤。任何關於調試的建議?任何關於你提到的函數的建議都會幫助我計算字符寬度/等。非常感謝您的詳細回覆。 –


試試'shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.Text',我的錯! –


我更新了一些關於您可能可以使用的功能的信息。如果這有幫助,請考慮加註或接受答案。讓我知道如果你有任何更多的Q來澄清:) –



Sub testMe() 
    Dim oSh As Shape 
    Dim oRng As TextRange 

    ' As an example, use the currently selected shape: 
    Set oSh = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1) 

    With oSh.TextFrame.TextRange 
     ' Does it contain the character we're looking for? 
     If InStr(.Text, "N") > 0 Then 
      ' Get a range representing that character 
      Set oRng = .Characters(InStr(.Text, "N"), 1) 
      ' And tell us the top 
      Debug.Print TopOf(oRng) 
      ' And as an exercise for the reader, do companion 
      ' BottomOf, LeftOf, WidthOf functions below 
      ' then use them here to position/size the shape 
      ' atop the existing character 
     End If 
    End With 

End Sub 
Function TopOf(oRng As TextRange) 
    TopOf = oRng.BoundTop 
End Function 

+1我每天都在這裏學習一些東西!希望你不介意我借用了這個想法並修改了我的答案。我在當地的窗口看到了'.BoundTop'等,但並沒有想到要嘗試使用它:)很棒。 –


Excel魔術。非常感謝David和Steve幫助我完成這個任務。我應該在我的問題中指出這一點,但字符箭頭通常在表格中。有什麼方法可以爲此目的進行定製嗎? –


@David:心?天哪,沒有。特別是因爲你已經運行並解決了愛德華的問題。幹得不錯!愛德華:你需要檢查oSh.HasTable來查看形狀是否爲表格,然後遍歷每個oSh.Table.Cell(x,y).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange等 –