2013-04-17 53 views


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    $(function() { 
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    <li><a href="#about-me">About me</a></li> 
    <li><a href="#contact-us">Contact us</a></li> 
    <li><a href="#gallery">Gallery</a></li> 
    <div id="home"> 
    <p>A short paragraph about Overcoming Obstacles.</p> 
    <div id="about-me"> 
    <p>A short paragraph about me.Banner advertisement that uses a JavaScript function to change the image every few seconds using three images.</p> 
    <div id="contact-us"> 
    <p>My contact details.</p> 
    <div id="gallery"> 
    <p>This is my gallery.</p> 



<? include("./Brunson_About_us_rotate2.html");?> 



<!doctype html> 
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    <title>Brunson - Home</title> 
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    $(function() { 
    <div id="tabs"> 
    <li><a href="#home">Home</a></li> 
    <li><a href="#about">About</a></li> 
    <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li> 
    <li><a href="#gallery">Gallery</a></li> 
    <div id="home"> 
    <p><h2>What is a Life Coach?</h2></p> 
    <p>A life coach is someone who is an advocate for you in reaching a higher level of understanding<br /> 
    and being the best person you can be in whatever area of your life you decide you need improvement in.</p> 
    <p><h2>What does a Life Coach do?</h2></p> 
    <p>A Life Coach assists you in identifying those areas in your life that you would like to change.<br /> 
    Once those areas are determined, the process of creating the life you truly can begin.</p> 
    <div id="about"> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    var pictureArchive= ['image1.jpg','image2.jpg','image3.jpg']; 

    window.onload=function() { 
    var o=document.createElement('img'); 
    o.setAttribute('id', 'image'); 
    o.setAttribute('src', pictureArchive[0]); 
    o.setAttribute('alt', ''); 

    function rotate(idx) { 
    if(idx>=pictureArchive.length) { 
    timerID=setTimeout('rotate('+idx+')', 4000); 
    $(function() { 
    <p>I became a Life Coach so I could reach more people and make changes in more lives than I was 
    able to do when I limited myself to my Alternative Therapies Business. By choosing to take the 
    limits I placed on myself off, I have created abundance in my life and create more value than I 
    was able to do before. The school I chose to get my Life Coach Certification from was QSCA because 
    they have the same beliefs that I do. Living the Universal Laws, living my life with integrity, 
    being the best that I can be, and ascending to higher levels of awareness and consciousness allows 
    me to help others overcome negative behaviors and limited thinking patterns. Helping others this 
    way allows me to create a reality that is past the negativeness we have been living with.</p> 
    <div id="contact"> 
    <p>My contact details. Form asking for name, email address, and a message. The form will have an unselected radio button array that includes a yes or no response. All fields required. Validation of all fields is a must. Email address must be present and match</p> 
    <p>the criteria for a legitimate e-mail address (using regular expressions). The submit button must call a validation routine; and when the user has filled in all information correctly, the page will display a thank you message and clear the form. The ehank you message can be s separate page, or it can be displayed on the same page.</p> 
    <p>Are you ready to make a change in your life right now? Yes No</p> 
    <div id="gallery"> 
    <p>Once you make a choice to make a change, old limiting beliefs seem to just fade away.</p> 
    <p>As nature abhors a vacuum, unlimited beliefs seem to jump to the fore.</p> 
    <p>Where once there was nothing but limits, suddenly everything is possible.</p> 






<?php include("../Brunson_About_us_rotate2.html"); ?> 



感謝您的答覆,但該代碼並不工作。如果代碼是php,那不會在我的頁面上工作。此時,Dreamweaver上沒有任何內容,它只用NotePad進行編碼,並通過在瀏覽器中打開代碼來檢查代碼。如果它不這樣工作,我不能使用它。任何其他想法,包括僅使用HTML,JavaScript或jQuery的新代碼? – Pat





<div id="about-me"> 
    <iframe src="../Brunson_About_us_rotate2.html"></iframe> 



感謝您的回覆,但它不能是Ajax。只有HTTP,jQuery或JavaScript。 – Pat

