我終於想出了我的插入正確,但幾天來一直在工作的刪除方法,它只是不會給我我想要的輸出。我的刪除方法是隻刪除最後一個索引,而不是在我指定的位置。我的方法必須是一個帶有int位置參數的布爾值,並將它帶到方法中。我必須做什麼才能讓我的代碼在指定的位置參數中移除一個對象,而不是最後一個索引。 我的代碼如下......,預計在打印語句中指定我上面的列表轉載我自己的ArrayBasedList類的remove()方法刪除錯誤索引
public class ArrayBasedList<T> implements ListInterface<T>{
private int MAX_ITEMS = 20; // Maximum Number of items the items array can hold.
private Item<T>[] items; // Array that will hold items of type T
private int count; // Number of valid items in the array
items = new Item[MAX_ITEMS];
count = 0;
public void add(T item) {
if(isFull()) return;
items[count] = new Item(item);
public void insert(int position, T item) {
for(int i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(position > count || position > MAX_ITEMS) return;
if(items[position] == items[count]){
items[i].data = items[i+1].data;
items[position].data = item;
public T get(int position) {
if(position < 0 || position >= count) {
throw new RuntimeException("Index out of Bounds. ");
return items[position].data;
public boolean set(int position, T item) {
if(position > count || position > MAX_ITEMS) return false;
items[position].data = item;
return true;
public boolean remove(int position) {
if(isEmpty() || position > count || position > MAX_ITEMS) return false;
for(int i = count-1; i < position; i--) {
if(items[i] == items[position]) {
items[i].data = items[i-1].data;
items[i] = items[position];
return true;
public boolean isFull() {
if(count >= MAX_ITEMS) return true;
return false;
public boolean isEmpty() {
if(count == 0) return true;
return false;
//Prints my List
public void printAll() {
for(int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) {
//Counts number of objects in list
public int size() {
return count;
The list is as follows:
Size of my list is 11
Attempting to remove item at location 0.
The current list is as follows:
Size of my list is 10
Attempting to remove item at location 5.
The current list is as follows:
Size of my list is 9
Attempting to insert a cube 100*200*300 at location 9.
The current list is as follows:
Size of my list is 11
Attempting to insert a cube 100*200*300 at location 3.
The current list is as follows:
Size of my list is 11
Attempting to set the value at location 5 to a cube 10*11.2*20.9.
The current list is as follows:
The current size of the list is: 11
The value at position 3 is: [100.0x200.0x300.0]
您是否已經完成了IDE調試器中的代碼?在尋求幫助之前,一定要這樣做,98%的時間你會自己發現問題,並在過程中學到一些東西。更有意義。 –
@JimGarrison我曾嘗試調試它。通常這確實解決了我的問題,我完全同意它幫助我瞭解過程,但是在調試過兩次並跟蹤一次之後,我不知道爲什麼我無法找到問題,而且我的任務昨天到期,所以我只是我不想放棄任何進一步的觀點。但是,感謝您的意見我總是欣賞任何建設性的批評。 – Kassie