2012-11-28 79 views

我嘗試使用VBA將出現在各段落開頭的富文本子句(「strText」)移動到子句出現的每個段落的結尾,然後用下劃線strText。獲取段落號找到txt,並使用Word 2010將文本移動到段落尾部vba



  1. 我想分配給VAR「LparaNo」,其中所發現的文本(strText中)出現在段落的數量。但「LparaNo」返回的數字完全離開基地。 如果有人有關於如何得到正確的段落號碼的建議,我會很感激。 我的意圖是設置一個範圍變量objRange_ParaHoldingText = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo).Range,即一個範圍,該範圍將反映找到找到的文本的段落。

  2. 我想不出如何將objRange01(「strText」,這是格式化文本)移動到它出現的段落的末尾。



Sub subFindTextAndMoveItToEndOfTheSameParagraphAndUnderlineIt_03() 

    ' Code canniablized from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11733766/how-to-search-for-text-and-check-for-underline-in-vba-for-word 
    Dim c As Range 
    Dim fnd As String 
    Dim strText As String 
    Dim objRange01 As Range 
    Dim objRange02 As Range 
    Dim objRange03 As Range 
    Dim LparaNo As Long 
    Dim strParazText As String 

    With ActiveDocument 

     strText = "Falsification 45 C.F.R. §" & Chr(160) & "6891(a)(2): " 

     ' My objectives are: (1) to move strText from the beginning of various paragraphs, to the end of each paragraph where it appears, 
     ' and thereafter, (2) to delete the ":" at the end of strText, and (3) to underline strText 

     fnd = strText 

     If fnd = "" Then Exit Sub 

     Set c = ActiveDocument.Content 


     With c.Find 
      .Text = fnd 
      .Replacement.Text = "" 
      .Forward = True 
      .Wrap = wdFindStop 
     End With 


     While c.Find.Found 
      c.Select ' I am trying to select the text that was found 

      Set objRange01 = c ' I am trying to set objRange01 = the text that was found, and selected 
      Selection.EndOf Unit:=wdParagraph, Extend:=wdExtend ' I am extending the selection to include the entire paragraph 
      Set objRange02 = Selection.Range 'The entire paragraph 
      Set objRange03 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=Selection.End) ' I am trying to set objRange02 = all text from 
      '                  ' beginning of doc thru objRange01.text 
      LparaNo = objRange03.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticParagraphs) + 1 ' I am trying to set LparaNo = the no. of paras in all 
      '                 ' text from beginning of doc thru the end of objRange02. 
      '     ' Alas, the number generated for "LparaNo" is incorrect. The paragraph number generated for "LparaNo" 
      '     ' is the number for a paragraph that appears 5 pages before objRange01.text 

      MsgBox "Paragraph # " & LparaNo & " [objRange01.Text = c = ] " & Chr(34) & objRange01.Text & Chr(34) & vbCrLf & _ 
        vbCrLf & objRange02.Text & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ 
        ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo - 2).Range.Text & vbCrLf & _ 
        ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo - 1).Range.Text & vbCrLf & _ 
        ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo).Range.Text & vbCrLf ' & _ 
'     ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo + 1).Text & vbCrLf & _ 
'     ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo + 2).Range.Text & vbCrLf '& _ 

      objRange01.Move Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1 ' I am trying unsuccessfully to move the selected text to the beginning 
      '           ' of the next paragraph 
      objRange01.Move Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1 ' I am trying unsuccessfully to move the selected text from the beginning 
      '           ' of the next paragraph, to the end of the preceding paragraph, i.e., 
      '           ' to the end of the selected text's paragraph of origin. 

     Wend ' While c.Find.Found 

    End With 

End Sub 'subFindTextAndMoveItToEndOfTheSameParagraphAndUnderlineIt_03 




Sub subFindTextAndMoveItToEndOfTheSameParagraphAndUnderlineIt_04() 
Dim currDoc As Document 
Set currDoc = ActiveDocument 
Dim docRng As Range, currRng As Range, strRng As Range 
Set docRng = ActiveDocument.Content 
Dim currPara As Paragraph 
Dim strText As String 
strText = "Falsification 45 C.F.R. §" & Chr(160) & "6891(a)(2): " 
Dim i As Long 
' Set a counter to indicate the paragraph. This should be sufficient, 
' unless your document is complicated in a way I cannot predict. 
i = 0 

' Loop through the paragraphs in the active document. 
For Each currPara In docRng.Paragraphs 
    i = i + 1 
    ' Check each paragraph for a match to strText. By using Mid you eliminate 
    ' the chance of finding the string somewhere else in the text. This will work 
    ' for different strText values. 
    If Mid(currPara.Range.Text, 1, Len(strText)) = strText Then 
     Set currRng = currDoc.Range(currPara.Range.Start, currPara.Range.End) 
     ' Adds a space at the end of the paragraph. If you don't want the space, 
     ' just delete the InsertAfter method. MoveEnd is used to bring the end of the 
     ' range before the paragraph marker. 
     With currRng 
      .MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1 
      .InsertAfter " " 
     End With 
     Set strRng = currDoc.Range(currRng.Start, currRng.Start + Len(strText)) 
     ' Set a range for the string, underline it, cut it, paste it at the end of the 
     ' paragraph (again, before the paragraph marker), and select it. Note that moving 
     ' a range doesn't move the text in it. Cut and paste does that. 
     With strRng 
      .Underline = wdUnderlineSingle 
      .Move Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1 
      .Move Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1 
     End With 
     ' Collapse the selection to the end of the text and backspace three times to 
     ' remove the colon and two spaces. If these final characters are variable, you'll 
     ' want something spiffier than this. 
     With Selection 
      .Collapse wdCollapseEnd 
     End With 
     ' Expand the range we've been using to hold the paragraph so that it includes the newly 
     ' pasted text. 
     currRng.Expand wdParagraph 
     ' I wasn't entirely sure what you wanted to convey in your message box. This displays 
     ' the paragraph number and the new text of the paragraph. 
     MsgBox "Paragraph # " & i & " [currRng.Text = ] " & Chr(34) & currRng.Text 
    End If 
Next currPara 

End Sub