2017-04-22 32 views
public class LessonAssignment { 

    private var title : String? 
    private var category : String? 
    private var week : Int? 
    private var day : Int? 

    public func getTitle() -> String { 
     return title! 

    public func setTitle(title : String) { 
     self.title = title 

    public func getCategory() -> String { 
     return category! 

    public func setCategory(category : String) { 
     self.category = category 

    public func getWeek() -> Int { 
     return week! 

    public func setWeek(week : Int) { 
     self.week = week 

    public func getDay() -> Int { 
     return day! 

    public func setDay(day : Int) { 
     self.day = day 

    Returns an array of models based on given dictionary. 

    Sample usage: 
    let lessonAssignment_list = LessonAssignment.modelsFromDictionaryArray(someDictionaryArrayFromJSON) 

    - parameter array: NSArray from JSON dictionary. 

    - returns: Array of LessonAssignment Instances. 
    public class func modelsFromDictionaryArray(array:NSArray) -> [LessonAssignment] 
     var models = [LessonAssignment]() 
     for item in array { 
      models.append(LessonAssignment(dictionary: item as! NSDictionary)!) 
     return models 

    Constructs the object based on the given dictionary. 

    Sample usage: 
    let lessonAssignment = LessonAssignment(someDictionaryFromJSON) 

    - parameter dictionary: NSDictionary from JSON. 

    - returns: LessonAssignment Instance. 
    init() { } 

    required public init?(dictionary: NSDictionary) { 

     title = dictionary["title"] as? String 
     category = dictionary["category"] as? String 
     week = dictionary["week"] as? Int 
     day = dictionary["day"] as? Int 

    Returns the dictionary representation for the current instance. 

    - returns: NSDictionary. 
    public func dictionaryRepresentation() -> NSDictionary { 

     let dictionary = NSMutableDictionary() 

     dictionary.setValue(self.title, forKey: "title") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.category, forKey: "category") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.week, forKey: "week") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.day, forKey: "day") 

     return dictionary 

    func toDictionary() -> [String : Any] { 
     var dictionary = [String:Any]() 
     let otherSelf = Mirror(reflecting: self) 

     for child in otherSelf.children { 
      if let key = child.label { 
       dictionary[key] = child.value 
     return dictionary 

public class LessonPlan { 
    private var name : String? 
    private var weeks : Int? 
    private var days : Int? 
    private var hours : Int? 
    private var lessonAssignment = [LessonAssignment]() 
    private var lessonNote = [LessonNote]() 

    public func getName() -> String { 
     if name == nil { 
      return "" 
     } else { 
      return name! 

    public func setName(name : String) { 
     self.name = name 

    public func getWeeks() -> Int { 
     if weeks == 0 { 
      return 0 
     } else { 
      return weeks! 

    public func setWeeks(weeks : Int) { 
     self.weeks = weeks 

    public func getDays() -> Int { 
     if days == 0 { 
      return 0 
     } else { 
      return days! 

    public func setDays(days : Int) { 
     self.days = days 

    public func getHours() -> Int { 
     if days == 0 { 
      return 0 
     } else { 
      return hours! 

    public func setHours(hours : Int) { 
     self.hours = hours 

    public func getLessonAssignment() -> [LessonAssignment] { 
     return lessonAssignment 

    public func setLessonAssignment(lessonAssignment : [LessonAssignment]) { 
     self.lessonAssignment = lessonAssignment 

    public func getLessonNote() -> [LessonNote] { 
     return lessonNote 

    public func setLessonNote(lessonNote : [LessonNote]) { 
     self.lessonNote = lessonNote 

    Returns an array of models based on given dictionary. 

    Sample usage: 
    let lessonPlan_list = LessonPlan.modelsFromDictionaryArray(someDictionaryArrayFromJSON) 

    - parameter array: NSArray from JSON dictionary. 

    - returns: Array of LessonPlan Instances. 
    public class func modelsFromDictionaryArray(array:NSArray) -> [LessonPlan] 
     var models:[LessonPlan] = [] 
     for item in array 
      models.append(LessonPlan(dictionary: item as! NSDictionary)!) 
     return models 

    Constructs the object based on the given dictionary. 

    Sample usage: 
    let lessonPlan = LessonPlan(someDictionaryFromJSON) 

    - parameter dictionary: NSDictionary from JSON. 

    - returns: LessonPlan Instance. 
    init() { } 

    required public init?(dictionary: NSDictionary) { 

     name = dictionary["name"] as? String 
     weeks = dictionary["weeks"] as? Int 
     days = dictionary["days"] as? Int 
     hours = dictionary["hours"] as? Int 

     lessonAssignment = LessonAssignment.modelsFromDictionaryArray(array:dictionary["lessonAssignment"] as! NSArray) 

     lessonNote = LessonNote.modelsFromDictionaryArray(array: dictionary["lessonNote"] as! NSArray) 

    Returns the dictionary representation for the current instance. 

    - returns: NSDictionary. 
    public func dictionaryRepresentation() -> NSDictionary { 
     let dictionary = NSMutableDictionary() 
     dictionary.setValue(self.name, forKey: "name") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.weeks, forKey: "weeks") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.days, forKey: "days") 
     dictionary.setValue(self.hours, forKey: "hours") 
     return dictionary 

    func toDictionary() -> [String : Any] { 
     var dictionary = [String:Any]() 
     let otherSelf = Mirror(reflecting: self) 

     for child in otherSelf.children { 
      print("Child = \(child)") 
      print("Child Label = \(String(describing: child.label))") 
      print("Child Value = \(child.value)") 

      if let key = child.label { 
       dictionary[key] = child.value 
     return dictionary 

公共類ServerRequest {JSON從與陣列發行對象在IOS夫特3

private var lessonPlan : LessonPlan? 

init() { 

public func getLessonPlan() -> LessonPlan { 
    return lessonPlan! 

public func setLessonPlan(lessonPlan : LessonPlan) { 
    self.lessonPlan = lessonPlan 

func toDictionary() -> [String : Any] { 
    var dictionary = [String:Any]() 
    let otherSelf = Mirror(reflecting: self) 

    for child in otherSelf.children { 
     if let key = child.label { 
      dictionary[key] = lessonPlan?.toDictionary() 
    return dictionary 


電流響應= [ 「lessonPlan」:[ 「名稱」: 「測試」 , 「天」:2 「周」:1, 「小時」:1, 「lessonAssignment」:[HSP.LessonAssignment, HSP.LessonAssignment], 「lessonNote」:[]]]

= [「lessonPlan」:[「name」:「test」,「days」:2, 「weeks」:1,「hours」:1,「lessonAssignment」:[[「title」 :「some value 1」,「category」:「some value」,「week」:1,「day」:2]],「lessonNote」:[]]]



不相關,但在'LessonPlan'類所有自定義getter和setter方法是沒有意義的。這是斯威夫特!爲什麼所有的屬性都是可選的,儘管setters傳遞了非可選值? – vadian


lessonAssignment key是一組LessonAssignment實例嗎? – chris


@vadian是的,我們知道它的速度很快,但我們遵循getter/setter作爲我們的標準做法。 – Scorpion




    (value: HSP.LessonAssignment) -> NSDictionary in 
    return value.toDictionary() 

謝謝,它工作:) – Scorpion