2015-10-07 24 views

我有兩個實體:BlogPost和Keywordto manytomany relationship。我必須使用表單同時在數據庫中添加BlogPost和關鍵字。我想用一個像Bootstrap tagsinput這樣的jquery標籤輸入插件在輸入中插入關鍵字。我該如何執行它?有我的實體:symfony 2 jquery bootstrap標記輸入

class BlogPost 
    * @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection 
    * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="ESGISGabon\PostBundle\Entity\Keyword", cascade={"persist"}) 
    private $keywords; 

    public function __construct() 
     $this->keywords = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection(); 

    public function getKeywords() 
     return $this->keywords; 

class Keyword 
    * @var string 
    * @ORM\Column(type="string", name="category_title", nullable=false, length=30) 
    protected $title; 

    public function getTitle() 
     return $this->title; 

實體(模型)和設計(視圖)之間沒有鏈接... – pbenard



我終於找到了我的問題的解決方案。我不得不使用Data transformer和自定義form field type。我也使用FPNTagBundle和它的tagManager。這是我做的方式:

class TagsTransformer implements DataTransformerInterface 

    private $tagManager; 

    public function __construct(TagManager $tagManager) 
     $this->tagManager = $tagManager; 

    * Transforms a value from the original representation to a transformed representation. 
    * By convention, transform() should return an empty string if NULL is 
    * passed. 
    * @param mixed $value The value in the original representation 
    * @return mixed The value in the transformed representation 
    * @throws TransformationFailedException When the transformation fails. 
    public function transform($tags) 
      return join(', ', $tags->toArray()); 

     return ''; 

    * Transforms a value from the transformed representation to its original 
    * representation. 
    * By convention, reverseTransform() should return NULL if an empty string 
    * is passed. 
    * @param mixed $value The value in the transformed representation 
    * @return mixed The value in the original representation 
    * @throws TransformationFailedException When the transformation fails. 
    public function reverseTransform($tags) 
     if(is_null($tags) || !$tags) 

     return $this->tagManager->loadOrCreateTags(

class TagType extends AbstractType 

    protected $tagManager; 

    public function __construct(TagManager $tagManager) 
     $this->tagManager = $tagManager; 

    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
     $transformer = new TagsTransformer($this->tagManager); 

    public function getName() 
     return 'tags'; 

    public function getParent() 
     return 'text'; 


class CorporatePostType extends AbstractType 
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
     $builder->add('keywords', 'tags'); 


你將不得不爲你的自定義表單字段類型的集成創建一個自定義模板Bootstrap tagsinput。