函數如何在這裏實現? goto聲明太簡單了,我想嘗試一些更困難的事情。 (編輯)最後,我希望能夠做到:
f0(x, y, z):=ax^by^cz
# notes: separate addresses from data lest the loop of doom cometh
class Interpreter:
def __init__(self):
self.memory = { }
self.dictionary = {"mov" : self.mov,
"put" : self.put,
"add" : self.add,
"sub" : self.sub,
"clr" : self.clr,
"cpy" : self.cpy,
"ref" : self.ref }
self.hooks = {self.val("0") : self.out }
def interpret(self, line):
x = line.split(" ")
vals = tuple(self.val(y) for y in x[1:])
dereferenced = []
keys_only = tuple(key for key in self.memory)
for val in vals:
while val in self.memory: val = self.memory[val]
vals = tuple(y for y in dereferenced)
def val(self, x):
return tuple(int(y) for y in str(x).split("."))
def mov(self, value):
self.ptr = value[0]
def put(self, value):
self.memory[self.ptr] = value[0]
def clr(self, value):
if self.ptr in self.hooks and self.ptr in self.memory:
x = self.hooks[self.ptr]
y = self.memory[self.ptr]
for z in y: x(z)
del self.memory[self.ptr]
def add(self, values):
self.put(self.mat(values, lambda x, y: x + y))
def sub(self, values):
self.put(self.mat(values, lambda x, y: x - y))
def mat(self, values, op):
a, b = self.memory[values[0]], self.memory[values[1]]
if len(a) > len(b): a, b = b, a
c = [op(a[x], b[x]) for x in xrange(len(b))] + [x for x in a[len(a):]]
return [tuple(x for x in c)]
def cpy(self, value):
def out(self, x):
print chr(x),
def ref(self, x):
interp = Interpreter()
for x in file(__file__.split('/')[-1].split(".")[-2] + ".why"):
mov 1
mov 0
ref 1
clr 0
(編輯)我已經決定使用這個嘗試作爲靈感,並從頭開始這個項目。 (希望我會找到一些真正的時間坐下來,再次開始課程之前編碼。)
我認爲你需要更具體一點,那就是「基本輸入/輸出功能」,但基本上它看起來像你可以做任何事情,就像你做其他事情一樣......也就是說,添加一個或多個命令到您的解釋器。 – martineau 2011-06-17 10:19:48
我用一個更好(更具體)的問題替換了這個問題。 – motoku 2011-06-17 10:28:56
@ Sean Pedersen如果你展示它應該如何表現(一些真實的動作測試,通過或失敗),它會更容易回答。 – DrTyrsa 2011-06-17 10:38:00