2016-09-21 79 views

我有一個定義了渲染MxN數組的函數。 該陣列非常龐大,因此我想使用該函數同時使用多處理/線程來生成小陣列(M1xN,M2xN,M3xN --- MixN.M1 + M2 + M3 + --- + Mi = M),並最終加入這些數組以形成mxn數組。作爲Boardrider先生理所當然地建議提供一個可行的例子,下面的例子將廣泛傳達什麼我打算做使用多處理/線程將numpy數組操作拆分爲塊

import numpy as n 
def mult(y,x): 
    r = n.empty([len(y),len(x)]) 
    for i in range(len(r)): 
     r[i] = y[i]*x 
    return r 
x = n.random.rand(10000) 
y = n.arange(0,100000,1) 
test = mult(y=y,x=x) 




[mcve]怎麼樣? – boardrider


你永遠不會編程在Python比numpy的內部廣播機制更快的東西,哪怕是多線程/進程......讓numpy的做內部 – Aaron


要小心,不要使用多線程/進程爲它着想。對大量數據進行少量工作只會導致CPU受內存總線速度的影響(與CPU的高速緩存相比,速度較慢)。所以如果你的算法是I/O約束的,添加更多的線程不會導致速度的提高。 – bazza



首先要說的是:如果它是關於同一個處理器上的多個核心,numpy已經能夠並行運行比我們所能用手工做的(見multiplication of large arrays in python討論)

在這案件的關鍵是簡單地確保乘法都在批發陣列操作來完成,而不是一個Python for -loop:

test2 = x[n.newaxis, :] * y[:, n.newaxis] 

n.abs(test - test2).max() # verify equivalence to mult(): output should be 0.0, or very small reflecting floating-point precision limitations 



import os, numpy, multiprocessing, itertools 

SHARED_VARS = {} # the best way to get multiprocessing.Pool to send shared multiprocessing.Array objects between processes is to attach them to something global - see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1675766/ 

def operate(slices): 
    # grok the inputs 
    yslice, xslice = slices 
    y, x, r = get_shared_arrays('y', 'x', 'r') 
    # create views of the appropriate chunks/slices of the arrays: 
    y = y[yslice] 
    x = x[xslice] 
    r = r[yslice, xslice] 
    # do the actual business 
    for i in range(len(r)): 
     r[i] = y[i] * x # If this is truly all operate() does, it can be parallelized far more efficiently by numpy itself. 
         # But let's assume this is a placeholder for something more complicated. 

    return 'Process %d operated on y[%s] and x[%s] (%d x %d chunk)' % (os.getpid(), slicestr(yslice), slicestr(xslice), y.size, x.size) 

def check(y, x, r): 
    r2 = x[numpy.newaxis, :] * y[:, numpy.newaxis] # obviously this check will only be valid if operate() literally does only multiplication (in which case this whole business is unncessary) 
    print('max. abs. diff. = %g' % numpy.abs(r - r2).max()) 
    return y, x, r 

def slicestr(s): 
    return ':'.join('' if x is None else str(x) for x in [s.start, s.stop, s.step]) 

def m2n(buf, shape, typecode, ismatrix=False): 
    Return a numpy.array VIEW of a multiprocessing.Array given a 
    handle to the array, the shape, the data typecode, and a boolean 
    flag indicating whether the result should be cast as a matrix. 
    a = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=typecode).reshape(shape) 
    if ismatrix: a = numpy.asmatrix(a) 
    return a 

def n2m(a): 
    Return a multiprocessing.Array COPY of a numpy.array, together 
    with shape, typecode and matrix flag. 
    if not isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray): a = numpy.array(a) 
    return multiprocessing.Array(a.dtype.char, a.flat, lock=False), tuple(a.shape), a.dtype.char, isinstance(a, numpy.matrix) 

def new_shared_array(shape, typecode='d', ismatrix=False): 
    Allocate a new shared array and return all the details required 
    to reinterpret it as a numpy array or matrix (same order of 
    output arguments as n2m) 
    typecode = numpy.dtype(typecode).char 
    return multiprocessing.Array(typecode, int(numpy.prod(shape)), lock=False), tuple(shape), typecode, ismatrix 

def get_shared_arrays(*names): 
    return [m2n(*SHARED_VARS[name]) for name in names] 

def init(*pargs, **kwargs): 
    SHARED_VARS.update(pargs, **kwargs) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

    ylen = 1000 
    xlen = 2000 

    init(r=new_shared_array([ylen, xlen], float)) 

    print('Master process ID is %s' % os.getpid()) 

    #print(operate([slice(None), slice(None)])); check(*get_shared_arrays('y', 'x', 'r')) # local test 

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=init, initargs=SHARED_VARS.items()) 
    yslices = [slice(0,333), slice(333,666), slice(666,None)] 
    xslices = [slice(0,1000), slice(1000,None)] 
    #xslices = [slice(None)] # uncomment this if you only want to divide things up in the y dimension 
    reports = pool.map(operate, itertools.product(yslices, xslices)) 
    y, x, r = check(*get_shared_arrays('y', 'x', 'r'))