我試圖自學C Sharp製作RFID閱讀器。只讀串行端口的8個字符
private SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort("COM14", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); // set com port
String code; // this stores the code from the RFID reader/serial port
Int32 id; // this is the ID of the person that the RFID code belongs to
String data;
bool addtag;
public Int32 ID // set the ID so it can be passed to other forms
get { return id; }
public rfidreader()
serialPort.DtrEnable = true; // enable data to flow from the SerialPort
OpenSerialPort(); // Call the OpenSerialPort section below
serialPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(port_DataReceived); // when data is recieved from the RFID reader fire the event handaler
public void PauseRFIDReader()
addtag = false;
public void CloseSerialPort()
addtag = true;
private void OpenSerialPort() // called from above
serialPort.Open(); // open the serialport
catch // if serail port unavalable show message box, if Retry is pressed run this section again, if cancel carry on without serial port
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to the RFID reader" + "\n" + "Check the reader is powered on and click Retry" + "\n\n" + "Press Cancel to use the program without RFID reader", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (result == DialogResult.Retry)
OpenSerialPort(); // if retry is pressed run the sectiona gain
private void port_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) // data recieved from RFID reader
if (addtag == false)
data = serialPort.ReadExisting(); // read what came from the RFID reader
if (data.Length >= 9) // check if the string if bigger than 9 characters
code = data.Substring(0, 9); // if string is bigget than 9 characters trim the ending characters until it is only 9 long
code = data; // if less that 9 characters use however many it gets
Start(); // start to process the person
您無法真正控制串行通信的傳輸方式,但您可以緩衝傳入的數據,直到獲得完整的消息。 – itsme86
你能指出我使用緩衝區請求的方向嗎? – Ryanagray
您可以使用StringBuilder並將傳入數據附加到它,直到builder.Length> = 8,此時您將處理數據並清除構建器以準備進行下一次掃描。 – itsme86