2013-02-04 41 views




1)Compile you gwt web application 
2)Copy the war file 
3)Add all libraries(jar files) in lib folder of war file 
4)Rename your war as mydoamin.war 
5)Put the war in jboss/standalone/deployments/ 
6)create a dodeploy file like mydoamin.war.dodeploy (type should be file) 
7)From command line enter into Jboss/bin folder 
8)To run the jboss type standalone.bat -b 
9)Then it start deploy all the dodeploy war files 
10)If jboss created the file mydoamin.war.deployed ...successfully deploy .(you can acceess as http://localhost:8080/mydoamin) 
11)If failed it will generate mydoamin.failed .. oops some thing went wrong ..check the console and resolve those exceptions 



感謝您的回答,但我不想使用(http:// localhost:8080/mydoamin)訪問我的應用程序我想要這樣(www.mydomain.com) – user1560992


在jboss服務器的Standalone.xml中,您必須給默認的root = no。 。要做到這一點,你必須擁有(即購買)一個DNS註冊的域名。它是一個非編碼部分。 參考: http://www.openscope.net/2010/01/17/virtual-hosting-with-jboss/ –


謝謝,但這不是爲jboss 7 – user1560992