當前我的命令是tshark.exe -i(int interface)-V -x -w C:\ file.pcap但我無法找到我我應該添加以限制數據包大小當我使用命令行捕獲Tshark時,如何限制數據包大小
當前我的命令是tshark.exe -i(int interface)-V -x -w C:\ file.pcap但我無法找到我我應該添加以限制數據包大小當我使用命令行捕獲Tshark時,如何限制數據包大小
您可以使用選項-s capture snaplen。
-s capture snaplen
Set the default snapshot length to use when capturing live data. No more than snaplen bytes of each network packet will be read into memory, or saved to disk. A value of 0 specifies a snapshot length of 65535, so that the full packet is captured; this is the default.
This option can occur multiple times. If used before the first occurrence of the -i option, it sets the default snapshot length. If used after an -i option, it sets the snapshot length for the interface specified by the last -i option occurring before this option. If the snapshot length is not set specifically, the default snapshot length is used if provided.