我使用下面的代碼用於測試: 保護覆蓋無效的OnCreate(束束) { base.OnCreate(束);
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);
// create a router from an osm file.
Router router = Router.CreateFrom(new FileInfo("demo.osm"));
// instantiate route end coordinates.
GeoCoordinate location_from = new GeoCoordinate(51.26565,4.7777);
GeoCoordinate location_to = new GeoCoordinate(51.2741,4.79795);
// resolve the end points and link them to the road network.
ResolvedPoint from = router.Resolve(location_from);
ResolvedPoint to = router.Resolve(location_to);
// calculate the route.
OsmSharpRoute route = router.Calculate(from, to);
// save the route as a GPX file.
route.SaveAsGpx(new FileInfo("demo.gpx"));
System.IO.FileNotFoundException :無法加載程序集'System.Drawing,Version =,> Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a'。也許它不存在於Mono for Android個人資料中?
文件名: 'System.Drawing.dll程序'
經過一番研究,我已經添加到文件 'System.Drawing.dll程序' 和 'OpenTK.dll' 的參考。我也在文件的開頭添加了「使用」,但是我有和以前一樣的錯誤,但我不明白爲什麼。
感謝您的回答,我會以另一種方式進行搜索 – lenul79