2012-02-15 42 views



'Prepare to parse XML 
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject(Microsoft.XMLDOM) 

'Set Asynchoronous = false 
objXML.async = False 

'Load the XML file. 
'User Server.MapPath method is the XML is located in your site. 
'Else you can use the absolute path. 
objXML.Load (Server.MapPath(Products.xml)) 

'If there is any errors pasring the file the notify 
If objXML.parseError.errorCode = 0 Then   
Else objXML.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then 
    'Get ALL the Elements by the tag name product 
    Set products = objXML.getElementsByTagName(product) 

    Select Case iItemID 
     Case 1 
      aParameters = Array(products.item(0).childNodes(0).text, products.item(i).childNodes(2).text, products.item(i).childNodes(2).text) 
     Case 2 
      aParameters = Array(products.item(1).childNodes(0).text, products.item(i).childNodes(2).text, products.item(i).childNodes(2).text)   
    End Select 

    ' Return array containing product info. 
    GetItemParameters = aParameters 
End If 

使用傳統的ASP在Windows 7中運行IIS。用Notepad ++編輯。


      <![CDATA[ /Images/Atlas Gloves.jpg ]]> 
      <![CDATA[ Atlas Nitrile Touch Gloves ]]> 
      <![CDATA[ Atlas Nitrile Touch is available in 6 vibrant colors, and is America’s #1 glove for the Lawn and Garden market. Atlas gloves have a breathable nylon back and are machine washable. Like a 「second skin,」 these gloves are the most comfortable! Atlas Nitrile gloves are the #1 gardening gloves. Atlas Nitrile gloves act like a "second skin" between the user and their work, offering full dexterity and grip. Atlas Nitrile Gloves are perfect for gardening, but their uses expand to so many places – the woodshop, the workshop, the workplace. ]]> 
      <![CDATA[ Small, Medium ]]> 
      <![CDATA[ Purple, Pink, Green, Orange ]]> 

實際的錯誤消息將有所幫助。 – 2012-02-15 21:55:35


我沒有收到錯誤消息。它從來沒有加載。 – Darren 2012-02-15 21:56:12


看看你的服務器日誌。 – 2012-02-15 21:56:53





Function GetElemText(parentElem, path) 
    Dim elem: Set elem = parentElem.selectSingleNode(path) 
    If Not elem Is Nothing Then 
     GetElemText = elem.text 
     GetElemText = null 
    End If 
End Function 


Class Product 

    Public Image 
    Public Name 
    Public Description 
    Public Size 
    Public Color 

    Public Sub LoadFromXml(prodElem) 
     Image = GetElemText(prodElem, "image") 
     Name = GetElemText(prodElem, "name") 
     Description = GetElemText(prodElem, "description") 
     Size = GetElemText(prodElem, "size") 
     Color = GetElemText(prodElem, "color") 
    End Sub 

End Class 


Function GetProduct(productIndex) 

    Dim objXML: Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0") 

    objXML.async = False 
    objXML.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath" 
    objXML.Load Server.MapPath("Products.xml") ''# Assumes Products xml in same folder as this script 

    Dim elem: Set elem = objXML.documentElement.selectSingleNode("products/product[" & productIndex & "]") 
    If Not elem Is Nothing Then 
     Set GetProduct = new Product 
     GetProduct.LoadFromXml elem 
     Set GetProduct = Nothing 
    End If 

End Function 



Function GetProduct(productIndex) 

    Dim objXML 
    If IsEmpty(Application.Contents("Products")) Then 
     Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.3.0") 
     objXML.async = False 
     objXML.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath" 
     Set Application.Contents("Products") = objXML 
     Set objXML = Application.Contents("Products") 
    End If 

    objXML.Load Server.MapPath("Products.xml") ''# Assumes Products xml in same folder as this script 

    Dim elem: Set elem = objXML.documentElement.selectSingleNode("products/product[" & productIndex & "]") 
    If Not elem Is Nothing Then 
     Set GetProduct = new Product 
     GetProduct.LoadFromXml elem 
     Set GetProduct = Nothing 
    End If 

End Function 

這將加載XML DOM到應用程序商店節省重裝每次需要產品的時間成本。


Dim elem: Set elem = objXML.documentElement.selectSingleNode("products/product[@id=""" & productIndex & """]") 

非常感謝你的帖子。不幸的是,我將無法在早上檢查它。 – Darren 2012-02-16 22:44:42