2017-09-11 11 views

這是我第一次真正嘗試在VBA中創建某些內容,因此請溫和請。 這是我需要我的程序來做:在PPT中查找形狀,然後在文本中搜索該文本,複製列然後將其粘貼回PPT中作爲表格

  1. 從PPT運行並打開一個Excel文件
  2. 開始在幻燈片1,並找到一個包含詞語「iq_」一箱,如果 有那些話那麼它就會有數字,例如「iq_43」 或「iq_43,iq_56,iq_72」。
  3. 在打開的Excel文件中找到這些單詞和數字。需要 認識到「,」意味着有另一個條目。
  4. 複製包含ppt即單詞的列。 「iq_43」
  5. 一個表粘貼到PPT使用這些值
  6. 這樣做對我和我的底部函數問題的每張幻燈片



rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, i).Value 



xlFindText(iq_Array, xlWB) = tble() 


Public Sub averageScoreRelay() 

'Create variables 
     Dim xlApp As Excel.Application 
     Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook 
     Dim pptSlide As Slide 
     Dim fileName As String 
     Dim Shpe As Shape 
     Dim pptText As String 
     Dim strArray As String 
     Dim pptPres As Object 
     Dim PowerPointApp As Object 
     Dim iq_Array 

' Create new excel instance and open relevant workbook 
     Set xlApp = New Excel.Application 
     xlApp.Visible = True 'Make Excel visible 
     Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\pinlop\Desktop\Gate\Macro\averageScores\pptxlpratice\dummyavgscore.xlsx", True, False) 'Open relevant workbook 
       If xlWB Is Nothing Then               ' may not need this if statement. check later. 
         MsgBox ("Error retrieving Average Score Report, Check file path") 
         Exit Sub 
       End If 

'Is PowerPoint already opened? 
'Set PowerPointApp = GetObject(class:="PowerPoint.Application") 

'Make PPT visible 
Set pptPres = PowerPoint.ActivePresentation 

Set pptSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide  'Set pptSlide = pptPres.Slides _ 
                  (PowerPointApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex) (different way of saying the same thing?) 

'Loop through each pptSlide and check for IQ text box, grab avgScore values and create pptTable 
     For Each pptSlide In pptPres.Slides 
       'searches through shapes in the slide 
       For Each Shpe In pptSlide.Shapes 
           'Identify if there is text frame 
           If Shpe.HasTextFrame Then 
             'Identify if there's text in text frame 
             If Shpe.TextFrame.HasText Then 
              pptText = Shpe.TextFrame.TextRange 
               If InStr(1, pptText, "iq_") > 0 Then 'Identify if within text there is "iq_" All IQ's have to be formatted like this "iq_42, iq_43" for now 
                 iq_Array = Split(pptText, ", ")    'Use function below to Set iq_Array to an array of all iq_'s in the text box 
                 xlFindText(iq_Array, xlWB).Copy 
                 pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteHTML, Link:=msoFalse      ' Paste the Array 
               End If 
             End If 
           End If 
       Next Shpe 
     Next pptSlide 

End Sub 

Function xlFindText(iq_Array, xlWB) 'This function works in excel and saves the column values into xlFindText(iq_Array, xlWB) to be pasted as a table into ppt 
     'SetsxlTextID = to the array of iq_'s 
     Dim i As Integer 
     Dim k As Integer 
     Dim activeWB As Excel.Workbook 
     Dim size As String 
     Dim rng As Range 
     Dim tble As Range 

     'for loop to go through values stored in array 

     size = UBound(iq_Array) - LBound(iq_Array) 

     For i = 0 To size            'loops through array values 
       For k = 1 To 200          'loops through cloumns 
         rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, i).Value 
         If rng = iq_Array(i) Then   'matches column value to iq_Array 
           tble(i) = Selection.Copy    'saves a copy of the range into tble() array 
         End If 
       Next k 
     Next i 

     xlFindText(iq_Array, xlWB) = tble() 

End Function 

如果此代碼在PPT中運行,則不需要'設置PowerPointApp = GetObject(class:=「PowerPoint.Application」)'。 - 一定要使用'Option Explicit'。 - 一般幫助:[如何調試VBA代碼](http://www.cpearson.com/excel/DebuggingVBA.aspx) – Andre


@Andre然後,我是否需要一個GetObject for excel,因爲我首先運行它的Powerpoint ?另外,爲什麼我需要一個Option Explicit語句?它不是自動設置爲真嗎?感謝您的資源! – Pinlop


['Option Explicit'](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bw9t3484%28v=vs.84%29.aspx)強制執行變量聲明並在編譯時報告未聲明或拼寫錯誤的變量/常量。 要在新模塊中自動執行此操作,請在VBA編輯器中設置[需要變量聲明](http://www.fmsinc.com/microsoftaccess/modules/options/index.html)選項。 - 如果你已經有了這套,那麼一切都很好,我只是想確定一下。 – Andre




For Each pptSlide In pptPres.Slides 



rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, i).Value 


Set pptSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide 




xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, i).Value 





Set rng = xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, i) 

Dim varValue As Variant 
varValue = xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, i).Value 


tble(i) = Selection.Copy 


你將不得不改變xlFindText邏輯 - 無論是從這個函數返回一個列號,做拷貝+在主函數中粘貼,或在xlFindText兩者都做(再經過pptSlide作爲參數)。


https://pastebin.com/ykSxUWVy非常感謝你@Andre!我終於搞定了。這並不像我希望的那樣優化,但它起作用! – Pinlop


很酷。 :)如果答案對你有幫助,你可以[接受](http://stackoverflow.com/help/someone-answers)它,這也標誌着問題已解決。 @Pinlop – Andre


完成,再次感謝! @Andre – Pinlop
