2017-07-03 165 views






private void symbolsListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    var listBox = sender as ListBox; 
    var symbol = listBox.SelectedItem as Symbol; 
    var compartment = PresentationViewsSubject.GetPresentation(symbol) 
     .FirstOrDefault() as SymbolCompartmentShape; 
    var diagram = docView.CurrentDiagram; 

    //Next step, center the shape 
    //How? God please help me!!! 


這裏是一個例子形象I WANT





['DSL'?](https://www.google.com/search?q=dsl&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b) – TaW


DSL圖形,就像Visual Studio中的類圖項目 –


VS社區版afaik沒有這樣的事情。我仍然不知道DSL代表什麼。另外:你的目標是什麼:Winforms,WPF,ASP ..? __Always__正確標記您的問題! – TaW







public static bool LocateInDiagram(this ModelElement element) 
    // Validation 

    SmartGuard.NotNull(() => element, element); 

    // Get the diagram view 

    DiagramView diagramView = element.GetActiveDiagramView(); 
    if (diagramView != null) 
     // Select it 

     return diagramView.SelectModelElement(element); 

    // Default result 

    return false; 

public static DiagramView GetActiveDiagramView(this ModelElement element) 
    // Validation 

    SmartGuard.NotNull(() => element, element); 

    // Get the shape that corresponds to this model element 

    ShapeElement shapeElement = element.GetShapeElement(); 
    if (shapeElement != null) 
     // Result 

     return shapeElement.GetActiveDiagramView(); 

    // Default result 

    return null; 

public static ShapeElement GetShapeElement(this ModelElement element) 
    // Validation 

    SmartGuard.NotNull(() => element, element); 

    // Get the first shape 
    // If the model element is in a compartment the result will be null 

    ShapeElement shape = element.GetFirstShapeElement(); 
    if (shape == null) 
     // If the element is in a compartment, try to get the parent model element to select that 

     ModelElement parentElement = element.GetCompartmentElementFirstParentElement(); 
     if (parentElement != null) 
      shape = parentElement.GetFirstShapeElement(); 

    // Result 

    return shape; 

private static ShapeElement GetFirstShapeElement(this ModelElement element) 
    // Presentation elements 

    LinkedElementCollection<PresentationElement> presentations = PresentationViewsSubject.GetPresentation(element); 
    foreach (PresentationElement presentation in presentations) 
     ShapeElement shapeElement = presentation as ShapeElement; 
     if (shapeElement != null) 
      return shapeElement; 

    // Default result 

    return null; 

private static ModelElement GetCompartmentElementFirstParentElement(this ModelElement modelElement) 
    // Get the domain class associated with model element. 

    DomainClassInfo domainClass = modelElement.GetDomainClass(); 
    if (domainClass != null) 
     // A element is only considered to be in a compartment if it participates in only 1 embedding relationship 
     // This might be wrong for some models 

     if (domainClass.AllEmbeddedByDomainRoles.Count == 1) 
      DomainRoleInfo roleInfo = domainClass.AllEmbeddedByDomainRoles[0]; 
      if (roleInfo != null) 
       // Get a collection of all the links to this model element 
       // Since this is in a compartment there should be at least one 
       // There can be only one. 

       ReadOnlyCollection<ElementLink> links = roleInfo.GetElementLinks(modelElement); 
       if (links.Count == 1) 
        // Get the model element participating in the link that isn't the current one 
        // That will be the parent 
        // Probably there is a better way to achieve the same result 

        foreach (ModelElement linkedElement in links[0].LinkedElements) 
         if (!modelElement.Equals(linkedElement)) 
          return linkedElement; 

    // Default result 

    return null; 

public static DiagramView GetActiveDiagramView(this ShapeElement shape) 
    // Validation 

    SmartGuard.NotNull(() => shape, shape); 

    // Result 

    if (shape.Diagram != null) 
     return shape.Diagram.ActiveDiagramView; 

    // Default result 

    return null; 

public static bool SelectModelElement(this DiagramView diagramView, ModelElement modelElement, bool ensureVisible) 
    // Validation 

    SmartGuard.NotNull(() => diagramView, diagramView); 
    SmartGuard.NotNull(() => modelElement, modelElement); 

    // Get the shape element that corresponds to the model element 

    ShapeElement shapeElement = modelElement.GetPresentation<ShapeElement>(); 
    if (shapeElement != null) 
     // Make sure the shape element is visible (because connectors can be hidden) 

     if (!shapeElement.IsVisible) 

     // Create a diagram item for this shape element and select it 

     diagramView.SelectDiagramItem(new DiagramItem(shapeElement), ensureVisible); 
     return true; 

    // If the model element does not have a shape, try to cast it IModelElementCompartmented 

    IModelElementCompartmented compartmentedModelElement = modelElement as IModelElementCompartmented; 
    if (compartmentedModelElement != null) 
     // Get the parent 

     IModelElementWithCompartments parentModelElement = compartmentedModelElement.ParentModelElement; 
     if (parentModelElement != null) 
      // Get the compartment that stores the model element 

      ElementListCompartment compartment = parentModelElement.GetCompartment(compartmentedModelElement.CompartmentName); 
      if (compartment == null) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Properties.Resources.RES_Error_CannotFindCompartment, compartmentedModelElement.CompartmentName)); 

      // Expand the compartment? 

      if (!compartment.IsExpanded) 
       using (Transaction trans = modelElement.Store.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("IsExpanded")) 
        compartment.IsExpanded = true; 

      // Find the model element in the compartment 

      int index = compartment.Items.IndexOf(modelElement); 
      if (index >= 0) 
       // Create a diagram item and select it 

       diagramView.SelectDiagramItem(new DiagramItem(compartment, compartment.ListField, new ListItemSubField(index)), ensureVisible); 

       // Result OK 

       return true; 

    // Default result 

    return false; 
