我在單獨的集羣中運行本地ceph(版本10.2.7)和kubernetes v1.6.5。使用PV和PVM聲明我正在將rbd設備安裝到吊艙。
E0623 00:22:30.520160 1 rbd.go:317] rbd: create volume failed, err: failed to create rbd image: executable file not found in $PATH, command output:
W0623 00:22:45.513291 1 rbd_util.go:364] failed to create rbd image, output
E0623 00:22:45.513308 1 rbd.go:317] rbd: create volume failed, err: failed to create rbd image: executable file not found in $PATH, command output:
W0623 00:22:45.516768 1 rbd_util.go:364] failed to create rbd image, output
E0623 00:22:45.516830 1 rbd.go:317] rbd: create volume failed, err: failed to create rbd image: executable file not found in $PATH, command output:
我已經在所有kuberernets羣集節點上安裝了ceph comman軟件包。所有運行centos 7 OS的節點。
感謝 SR
我檢查它。 [root @ cm-02〜]#ls -l/usr/bin/rbd -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4071088 Apr 10 08:39/usr/bin/rbd – sfgroups