2015-10-26 62 views


public class Square 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     int input = 0; //The default value for input 
     Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 
     while (input != -1) 
      System.out.println("Please enter a number, or enter -1 to quit"); 
      input = keyboard.nextInt(); 
      if (isPerfect(input) == true) //Call isPerfect() to determine if is a perfect square 
       System.out.println(input + " is a perfect square."); 
      else if(input == -1) //If equals exit code, quit 
      else //If it is not a perfect square... it's not a perfect square 
       System.out.println(input + " is not a perfect square."); 

    public static boolean isPerfect(int input) 
     double num = Math.sqrt(input); //Take the square root of the number passed 

     if (((num * num) == input) && (num%1 == 1)) //If the number passed = it's roots AND has no remainder, it must be a perfect sqaure 
      return true; //Return true to the call 
      return false; //Return false to the call 




  1. 用雙打算術是不準確的。你可能想

    int num = Math.round(Math.sqrt(input)); 
  2. 您的餘數不測試沒有做什麼你覺得... (num%1 == 1)只是測試n是否是奇數。而你並不真正需要它..你需要的是if(num*num == input) { ... }


嘗試#1時,我得到一個轉換錯誤,儘管第二號似乎已經奏效。現在我發現它讓我有更多的理解,然後我嘗試了一些令人費解的巫術。 'code:'Square.java:47:error:incompatible types:possible lossy conversion from double to int'' – brodieR


I fixed it,changed to int num =((int)Math.sqrt(input)); – brodieR



import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Square 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     int input = 0; //The default value for input 
     Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 
     while (input != -1) 
      System.out.println("Please enter a number, or enter -1 to quit"); 
      input = keyboard.nextInt(); 
      if (isPerfect(input) == true) //Call isPerfect() to determine if is a perfect square 
       System.out.println(input + " is a perfect square."); 
      else if(input == -1) //If equals exit code, quit 
      else //If it is not a perfect square... it's not a perfect square 
       System.out.println(input + " is not a perfect square."); 

    System.out.println("Main complete!"); 

     The isPerfect() method returns whether or not a number is a perfect square. 
     @param input The input from the keyboard scanner, passed as an argument 

    public static boolean isPerfect(int input) 
     int num = ((int)Math.sqrt(input)); //Take the square root of the number passed, as an integer 

     if (num*num == input) //If the number passed = it's roots AND has no remainder, it must be a perfect sqaure 
      return true; //Return true to the call 
      return false; //Return false to the call 