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Skipping invalid path: 1CalcMosqImpact-TITLE.Rd
Skipping invalid path: 1IstotopicChange-TITLE.Rd
Skipping invalid path: 1findInters-TITLE.Rd
Skipping invalid path: 1rad_foot-TITLE.Rd
#'@name 1findInters
#'@title Find intersection between footprint curve and a threshold curve
#'Standalone R Function
#'@description Calculates where the flux footprint curve and the threshold curve intersect.
#' find_inters(fun_weight=impact_KM01[x,], location=x_step_airs[-1], threshold=SA_dist)
#' }
#' @param fun_weight List of footprint curve distances
#' @param location List of distance from tower [m]
#' @param threshold Threshold for influence of all activities on tower measurement source areas [%]
find_inters <- function(
) {
#difference between footprint curve and threshold line
DIFF <- fun_weight - threshold
#interpolate to ensure finding local result
location1 <- approx(location, n=1e3)$y
DIFF1 <- approx(x=location, y=DIFF, xout=location1)$y
#find intersect farthest away from tower
#in order to find 1 real zero crossing, at least two zero crossings have to be present.
#Hence I added c(-1,1) here
WHR <- extrema(c(-Inf,Inf,DIFF1))
if(WHR$ncross <= 1) {
out <- NA
} else {
#As I added c(-1,1) above, two indices have to be subtracted again here.
out <- round(location1[WHR$cross[WHR$ncross,2]-2])
#return result
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